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Hi I was on Happy Valley last weekend just me and a mate we were about half way across the lane by where the under water gate is, then we met the protrax off road club doing one of there wild wales weekend which you see in the mag. There were 18 landrovers in a row and we were forced to back up a good half mile, i think this shows why a lot of the lanes around there are geting so tore up !!!!!!!! ITS NOT ON REALY GOING TO WRECK IT FOR THE REST OF US
WTF did you back up for you should have told em to **** off. and let everyone there know what you thought about their disregard for the lanes, their fellow offroaders, and the law. (More than 10?? vehicles in a convoy requires permission from the police) and then sat there till they sorted the mess out for themselves. I'd have got out and put the kettle on.
I Know They Take The **** And Its Not The First Time I Have Bumped In To Them Around Wales With More Than Ten Landrover
I just emailed Protraxs asking what size groups hey take out and have just recieved this back


We take max 6 vehicles to a group with one leader, if the group is bigger we take more leaders to keep the groups small



What a load of fooking bollix.
18... who would have thought such a well known commercial venture would do such a thing. disgrace. and those in the group should have boycott'ed the weekend and demanded their money back. I know i wouldnt be happy with 18 rovers in tow.


happy valley isnt the most spacious of lanes either!

Yes 90boy, like mentioned earlier have you any pictures of them?

No sorry no pics I have rung up vince my self to complain and he just blamed it all on the instructors and said he would look in to it and send me an appology nothing has happened !!
No use contacting LRO as they'll just ignore you. But I'm sure LRE LRW and LRM would be interested in what the enemies getting upto.
No use contacting LRO as they'll just ignore you. But I'm sure LRE LRW and LRM would be interested in what the enemies getting upto.

I think so to i meen i would of been happy to move over for 4 or 5 motors but 18 well its stupid realy trying to have that many in a convoy though it was quite good watch them strugle
i know how you feel on this matter, i had a run in with them last year on strata florida, what a bunch of wan**** there was 16 of them including field kitchens and we meet them on a tight bit, there was three of us and we had to pile over the edge as there was no other room, to which we had to spend the next half an hour draging a zuk back up the bank... bas**** they are don't give a ****, and you try taking it up with them, do they want to know, do they f***....
i know how you feel on this matter, i had a run in with them last year on strata florida, what a bunch of wan**** there was 16 of them including field kitchens and we meet them on a tight bit, there was three of us and we had to pile over the edge as there was no other room, to which we had to spend the next half an hour draging a zuk back up the bank... bas**** they are don't give a ****, and you try taking it up with them, do they want to know, do they f***....

well at least they are not doing one this weekend so you should be ok doing your weekend, i would come but i have got to work. Have a good one
Well if anyone comes across it then pictures would be a good thing followed by forwarding the info to GLASS and the Councils local to the lanes in question. I am sure they would have a few words to say that would put a stop to such a large group especially being of commercial venture rather than social.
Well if anyone comes across it then pictures would be a good thing followed by forwarding the info to GLASS and the Councils local to the lanes in question. I am sure they would have a few words to say that would put a stop to such a large group especially being of commercial venture rather than social.

Won't suggest the councils if the antis got hold of them gives a good excuse to shut the lanes, and brings attention to what some might see a "problem".

Quite a few groups now suggest no pic's are posted on any forums or the internet, do so and you won't get invited again. Some clubs also take a dim view of any pics posted on the net and have written it in the rules that on club events no pics posted.

As for large groups its not against any law, they will just state that they split the groups and by chance they caught up with each other
I don't get this. We're all battling the f***ing antis, and now some morons start to screw it up for everyone again. I assume it is simple costs... the more in the group the more cash in someone's pocket.
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