As per the other comment Andy, great pictures, particularly like the B&W one, very 1960's.

Straight out of a LR brochure

Nice one
As per the other comment Andy, great pictures, particularly like the B&W one, very 1960's.

Straight out of a LR brochure

Nice one

Thanks Noel ... trying to upload a few videos to You Tube at the moment but they keep getting rejected ... had to double check I wasn't posting my 2002 honeymoon video by accident :D
That could be interesting....
Did you discover what the clunking and banging was in the end

No, I got underneath with it out of gear and handbrake off ... gave everything a good pull and twist and found nothing! Just the usual amount of rotational play in the props / diffs and that's all. Drove it for a mile to take the dog a walk and seemed much better. Maybe it was just the handbrake shoes rattling but will be monitoring closely. :confused::eek:

You got a fan lined up for yours?
Next job on the list, that and the X-Brake. I found the issue I had with the grease all over the wheel. Three of the hub nuts had worked loose and broke the seal on the gasket, hence the mess. Don't seem to be able to fit a socket on them squarely to tighten then up properly without them rounding off, which is probably why the previous owner didn't do it. Also can't fit an open ended or ring spanner on easily due to the depth of the Zu rim. Will have to put a little threadlock on to be sure I guess
Next job on the list, that and the X-Brake. I found the issue I had with the grease all over the wheel. Three of the hub nuts had worked loose and broke the seal on the gasket, hence the mess. Don't seem to be able to fit a socket on them squarely to tighten then up properly without them rounding off, which is probably why the previous owner didn't do it. Also can't fit an open ended or ring spanner on easily due to the depth of the Zu rim. Will have to put a little threadlock on to be sure I guess

Yu could take the Wheel off :doh: and try a 6 sided socket they won't slip then..
Next job on the list, that and the X-Brake. I found the issue I had with the grease all over the wheel. Three of the hub nuts had worked loose and broke the seal on the gasket, hence the mess. Don't seem to be able to fit a socket on them squarely to tighten then up properly without them rounding off, which is probably why the previous owner didn't do it. Also can't fit an open ended or ring spanner on easily due to the depth of the Zu rim. Will have to put a little threadlock on to be sure I guess

Didn't know you had hub nut issues buddy :confused:

Thought about an X-brake myself after the last Wales trip (loads of water) caused it to seize badly. Have you priced it up?
Neither did I until I looked, I realise about the wheel Red hand being lazy today as had a little time to play. Problem is at the hub side of the nuts, it rolls slightly before it gets to the cap which means the socket only just catches the bolt half way down. ( Socket is also a little knackered I have to admit) Once the wheel is off should catch it with open ended as you say little by little.

X brake is just short of £250 direct, web site says non in stock at the moment for ours, Father in law swears by them for his defenders, especially as he tows a lot. Have a slight oil leak through there also so will take the opportunity to replace the seals at the same time
Envious of the pics - fantastic drive by the looks.... Must save up to buy the fuel tanker to get me there :)

Certainly is a fantastic place to drive and if you have weather like we did there is not many more beautiful places in the UK :)

What do you drive if it's that bad on fuel? :confused:

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