Happy New Year to All the members of the Landyzone, A great big Thank you to you's guy's who have the knowledge to keep our old busses up and running. Hope we All have A Great 2019.

Good cheer to you all.....you mental Land Rover nutheads!
Happy New Year to all you unfortunate owners of JLR products, may 2019 be happy, healthy, wealthy and beset by few problems.

The same to you & all those who have advised me over the past year.
nb: mine was made by Land Rover Ltd (though the V5C states ROVER for some reason) 31 years ago, gives few problems & those that do occur don't cost a fortune to remedy :rolleyes:
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Ditto - to all the above, and as above many many thanks to all who have helped me start sorting out my classic.
Never fear, I already have a list of dumbass questions ready for you as from tomorrow.:D:D:D:D
Without our landy's it wouldn't be a happy New year. Happy New year to one and all when it arrives;):D:D:D:D:D:D

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