freelander dave

New Member
hi everyone
i'm Dave how are you all? i ve been wanting a land rover for more years than i care to remember. and atlast my wife relented and bought me one. my BIG problem with is this . it's a freelander.
does anyone know the best place to sell it or failing that a good place to park it so that it isn't there the next morning?
i would then have money to go out and buy a proper land rover, maybe a late model defender or county.

take care and have a good holiday
Welcome to the forum Dave, there's nothing wrong with a freelander. Some of the curbs at Tesco can be quite high!
Suppose it would seem a bit ungreatfull if you just asked the wife for the receipt?
thanks fishface220
there is nothing wrong with it that a trip to the crusher wouldn't sort out. all that plastic and fancy switches and the rest. i want my landrover to be tough and simple to work on.
i have to find a way to tell her insida da doors that this isn't what i meant. so if anyone can tell me how to explain to a woman that the land rover she bought me isn't what i call a land rover i'd be very grateful
how would i crash it without hurting myself???could i not just park someplce and hope it gets stolen, not that i think anyone would steal a freelander atleast not while there are still rav4's on the road.
sorry waldo but we don't have ravine around here maybe i could break it up for spares
tahnk you slob for answering for me but i can manage myself so please don't do it agin. and you're right we don't have many ravines here in birmingham. but i still want to get rid of this bloody thing.
in birmingham? are you for real? **** boy we have some dark places full of people of the night but no hills with rocks at the bottm.

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