Looks like I'm the first this year so before I go the the Church of the Handle Glass may I wish all forum members a Happy Christmas and a breakdown free New Year.:D
When you say breakdown, I hope you mean , I can’t take it anymore the way you treat me and disrespect my underwear when you borrow it and ladder my peep hole crutchless bras and not the boohoo my pcv valve or maf has had a hissy fit and shat on my timing chain type
of breakdown o_O x
Ps, I love you don’t make me cut myself ...
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Merry Christmas to you all.
Loads of help and advice much appreciated.
What is lacking in 'political correctness' is more than made up for by the good humour!:)
Happy Christmas to You Alan my favourite fellow debaucher and warped mind , remember Christmas isn’t all about giving but taking as well, just saying ;)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, thanks for all the help and support I have had and the understanding about Landyzone’s unique way of hopefully delivering some semi useful information and a whole load of bollox as well :):)
Happy Christmas to You Alan my favourite fellow debaucher and warped mind , remember Christmas isn’t all about giving but taking as well, just saying ;)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all, thanks for all the help and support I have had and the understanding about Landyzone’s unique way of hopefully delivering some semi useful information and a whole load of bollox as well :):)
Hello luv, been v busy lately but hopefully I'll be back on more often.Have a great time Andy, off to put on the party frock you lent me, had to get it dry cleaned you dirty boy.X :D
Hello luv, been v busy lately but hopefully I'll be back on more often.Have a great time Andy, off to put on the party frock you lent me, had to get it dry cleaned you dirty boy.X :D
Have a good day lover, probably best you burn that dress when you have finished over i mean with it :D
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Have a great day everyone because the bad news is I am headed your way............. well through a large stack of the counties , you all live in. Therefore , get ready for the call for help, somewhere between here and Londinium :eek:;):D

But really, to all of you have a peaceful Christmas and I hope Santa fulfilled all your wishes
Holy crap, are you allowed down the blunt end ?
Let me know if you need a hand with the language translation into chav when you get down here :)
It will be interesting, as it's been a long time since I crossed the border without that little card in my pocket. Thanks for the offer of translation but I understand chav from dealing with certain units. ;)

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