According to Clarkson, all Landy drivers are murderers! I'm yet to meet an Alfa owner who was a twot! I've met a lot of them being in the owners club.

Oh, what a give away! :eek:

Well I hope you use your mirros and look before pulling out then :D

You seen what happens if you don't :rolleyes:
According to Clarkson, all Landy drivers are murderers! I'm yet to meet an Alfa owner who was a twot! I've met a lot of them being in the owners club.

Oh, what a give away! :eek:

Now go wash your mouth out with soapy water :eek: :eek: Clarkson drives a 4.2 Diesel Toyota Land Cruiser- just for the record

gald to see youre ok after such a bad smash- get another disco and get back out there ( as soon as youv'e been piad out for thre wiplash of course) :rolleyes:

I had a similar claim when a lady in a Cavalier rear ended my company car - I accepted a courtesy car ( as you do) and when it cam to settling the payout her insurance company deducted the cost of the courtesy car from my claim- 19 days at £40 a day - so be aware this is the stunts they pull

good luck with the claim and hope youre a disco driver again real soon


Les :D

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