Thanks files received.
Just confirming some dates as it's classic car season for me/Mrs
But will be before the bank hols.

Looking forward to this as it seems the pollen has abated and now the barley has been harvested which means I'm nowhere near as snotty an bunged up as I was :)
@The Mad Hat Man
How many miles do you all want to do?
Start/finish at chiseldon Just off the motorway. m4
I'm on 42miles at the moment but still have more in the same area.
This can be over 60 miles with ease.

I'm easy, its not just a rumour :oops: :D

If we're out already then we might as well rack up some miles, some of the laning days in Holland could easily exceed 65 to 75 miles :eek:
So dates are 12 or 19 August(Sundays)
Leave the invites to yourselves.
Keep the numbers below 6.
You wanted miles & only cross tracks for short distance.

Walking or cycling is the only option I get.;)
invites are fine. I'm always up for meeting people.
Decide the date best for yourselves.
I'm ok for either.

& GPX file sent
I won't be able to make either, as I will be changing the clutch on the 12th and at a wedding on the 19th. Hope you all have a good time ;)
I am up for that.
Not too early a start tho. I like my lay in... say 10 start?:D

Then make a day of it?

If you lay in any later Jeremy Kyle will have revealed the DNA tests an everything :eek::rolleyes::)

Yay, 10 O'clock start, now all I need to know is where?

Should I bring my loppers and a bag of enthusiasm to share round lol :p
Ok there's 4. Do you know someone
Who would like a day out?
MHM & +1
No more than 6 should be fine
Meeting point same place as before
Chiseldon. Cafe not open until 10.00.
Few more different lanes from last time. Only that 1 tight scratchy lane.

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