
Well-Known Member
I was parked out the back of my house, I don't normaly put on the hand brake on when off main roads etc if I can help it but I had done this time because the Disco was a few feet behind.

I went to take off and being dark and all forgot the brake was on, i lifted the clutch with no rev's and soon my 90 made a typical land rover style metal sort of clunking sound (presumably the brake slipping), I very quickly dipped the clutch and took it off but have I caused any major damage here?

I know your not meant to brake on them as you will wreck the brake shoes almost instantly at speed, but what is the deal with trying to take off on it?
Hmmm, I see you've already had an incalculable amount of help already.. Presumably you're just worried about the noise as you haven't mentioned that there's still a problem. I've found that the handbrake can cause some strange sounds, if they're even very slightly over adjusted you'll get some strange noises and vibration from there. My only advice is that if it still drives okay and nothing is different, don't worry. I think if the brake was well on you'd just have stalled it. And as there were no revs...
I sold a Disco 200TDi some years back and the new owner-to-be was just about to stop it on the handbrake 'to test it' coming down my steep drive. My screams stopped him. He'd never driven a Landy before...
When I took my 90 for a test drive before I bought it, I was doing 15 to 20 miles an hour and my mate said "whats the hand brake like", Well I didn't know about Land Rover handbrakes then so I gave the it a 'kin good heave and locked every thing up there was to lock up.

And it's totally Knackered now.

No I'm having you on there's nothing wrong with it.
Thanks for that advice. Yeah I was just dreading something going wrong with it and needing to replace bits.


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