
New Member
I have an L plate Defender 90 with a handbrake light on the dash , wheres the switch for the handbrake , cant see one on the handbrake lever or anywhere else?
Mines the same. In fact the lights on the dash don't relate to any logic at all, I think whoever designed the electrics was having a laugh.

There's a similar thread regarding the diff lock light.
my buggers flash on and off when driving along....BUT....when i stop and apply the handbrake........NOTHING.......
RaysDefender90 said:
I have an L plate Defender 90 with a handbrake light on the dash , wheres the switch for the handbrake , cant see one on the handbrake lever or anywhere else?

There's definitely something electrical going on down there, because I've discovered ( after needlessly replacing my alternator !) that there's a short every time I release the handbrake. Lights dim about 50% even with the engine running. Had a good look around, and like you I couldn't see a switch anywhere !

So please someone help us !
hehe, common fault with landys. a lot of tractors have the same probelm. but its nothing to worry about... only an electrical fault.
For what is a simple vehicle which has been developed now and then for nearly 60 years, the handbrake remains one of the icons of poor automotive design, along with the dash, heater, rear tub... (add your own pet items here...). If it's any consolation, although the switch is easily reached on the latest models, it's still a pig to adjust properly.
I have the same problem, my handbrake doesn't seem to operate any of the lights on the dash when applied, and I have driven off with it on once or twice (not had it long!)

I have had a good look around and cannot find any electrical connections on the handbrake (mine is a K reg Defender 90 200TDi)
Dunno about yours but mine '89 90 2.5 turbo hasn't got connections for a warning light
Found my switch eventually, it's well hidden and you have to be contortionist to see it at the base of the lever under the gaiter. No wires at all from it. My problem I eventually worked out was nothing to do with the absence of a switch, but with the absence of an earth lead to the CHASSIS as well as to the body !!

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