matt harvey

New Member
few weeks ago my handbrake started making a rubbing noise, thought nothing of it, a few weeks later my prop shaft snapped, when changing my prop i noticed the retaining screws were missing from the drum, couldnt source any so just fitted the prop hoping it would hold the drum in place. last few days theres been a horrible rattle/grinding noise when i take my foot off the power, just stripped the prop off again, and the drum and theres alot of ep8090 oil in the rum and the handbrake has stooped working, any ideas what the problem is?
Thanks Sean very helpful link

My problem at the minute is when I take the landy out of gear and coast there is a god awful rattle from the hand brake area, doesn't do this when in gear only slightly as I move off from a standstill does anyone know what that is?
could be lots of things - maybe the release bearing - spanners out time or wait till something stops working

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