
New Member
This may seem like a silly point but i cant find the solution.:(

Had to take out the centre console to fix difflock. When i refitted everything the handbrake top button is 'sticky' and doesnt spring out of the front of the handle. The ratchet is fitted correctly i am pretty sure, i pull the handle up and the button sticks in, I tease the button underneath and it slowly comes out and the handbrake ratchet locks in position.

I cant for the life of me see how i get the spring back so the button pushes itself out automatically.

Conscious of MOT in a month, i guess the current scenario would be a fail? Although it works kind of!

What am i missing? Is this common? Is it an MOT failure?

There is something fouling the button, check the grip on the handle is fitted correctly. Would you have forced a piece of trim against the button and possibly knocked it "off centre"? As for MOT, yes it would be a definate fail. The handbrake needs to lock securely into position for MOT.........
If the pawl had rotated the brake wouldn't work at all.

On mine when this happened it was the cover next to the button, it needs rotating very slightly to clear the button, or taking off again and remove some of the rubber flashing ....
Pretty sure the pawl is correct thanks 'gegs88', it does lock in position ok.

So i assume as you say that something is just snagging the button badly, i have looked for this but just cannot see how. Once agin, silly question, but does the rubber grip just pull off the front of the handle? I tried to pull it striaght off the end to see better but couldnt get it off - am i try just not pulling hard enough? There is no trick to this i guess.

Sorry this feels like a really stupid thread but i can see an MOT fail coming otherwise - that said fair bet it will fail on some of the other things falling off currently !:D

No, it has a lip on it further down which makes it (well, it did on mine but a mates 200tdi pulled straight off) a beeatch to pull off, try rotating it round the handle a bit. I found it only needed millimetres of movement.

I suspect it's actually more to do with the rotation of the button though. I think it's plastic and wears onto the metal handle, and if it doesn't go back 'just right' it won't play. Rotating the handle part seems to move the button enough to settle it enough to make it play ball.
Great stuff, thanks Paul
As i say it seems really basic questions sorry.
Will go have another dig around now i have satisfied my mind on where i am !
Appreciate the help.

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