
New Member
Just had a quote of £1500 for a respray of my 1991 CSW 90. Saw something somewhere on here about hand painting - either brush or roller.
Anyone any experience of these things?

My wife reckons a hand job would take £1000 off the value!:eek:
Just had a quote of £1500 for a respray of my 1991 CSW 90. Saw something somewhere on here about hand painting - either brush or roller.
Anyone any experience of these things?

My wife reckons a hand job would take £1000 off the value!:eek:

Try asking around the freelander section. They are the masters of handjobs:D
Try asking around the freelander section. They are the masters of handjobs:D

I knew you lot couldnt resist that...was just waiting for it. :rolleyes: ;) :)

To answer your question Sir in a more serious and deserved manner ;) , I would say that you should shop around a little. In the north east for example there are a number spray shops that qouted me £700 for a freelander respray - fair enough there is more to spray on yours but I reckon you can shave a lump of that first figure.

Secondly, depending on the age and condition of your vehicle - hand painting may be an option. Others on here think it is a good idea. I would say though that generally, hand painting a newer, better condition vehicle could knock plenty of the top resale value. :)
Oh un just ta mention: I had a mate who once loaned his Ford Granada to a college engineering training department...He paid for the paint and they got the practice...wasnt a bad job either! Tipped em a few quid after - think in total he paid £200ish quid, wuz 10-12 years ago though.
How bad is yer motor at the mo? A good honest CSW with a few battle scars polished up & cleaned to look it's best would prob' fetch more than even a resprayed one, unless it's a very good job.

If you're wanting to paint it to cover the start of rust, dunt bother unless you want to treat it properly. It'll come back if you dunt & it's prob' at a stage where resale value is getting less important anyways.

Are you planning to sell it? If not, paint it how you want it. If at some point you want to sell it, keep it original & tidy.

Defenders do hold a better value, but no-one wants to buy a dog!
Hi Marcus,
You've got a point - I bought it 9 months ago and I've done a lot to sort it: new cambelt, cylinder head gasket, oil and fluid changes, 4 new wheels and tyres, new mats, T-cut, waxed, waxoyled, etc. etc. So it's like you say pretty sorted and shiny and mechanically sound. It's ex MOD and has a genuine 67k on the clock - MOT's to prove. But there are a few areas where the last owner daubed a poor colour match, plus the areas around the bulkhead vents are beginning to rust a little. Just these little things that irritate. I thought £1500 steep for a respray so wanted to investigate hand-painting myself.
Yeah, 1500 notes is way too steep on a motor of that age. 1991? So the respray is prob' knocking on halfish of what you paid?

Given what you've just said about condition I'd say do the best job you can sorting the bit's where rust is starting to show, then follow the good advice about hand/roller painting. Look after your chassis, change your oils religiously & just hang on to it & enjoy yer whatever colour you fancy.
Yes, I paid £3200. I felt good about this though when I realised the 67k was genuine mileage - I had automatically assumed it had been round the clock, but it hasn't.
this was my attempt


  • 2006_0427S1110002 (Small).JPG
    2006_0427S1110002 (Small).JPG
    79.9 KB · Views: 528
And mine


  • Copy of 110 in progress 005.jpg
    Copy of 110 in progress 005.jpg
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  • Copy of Copy of def 1.jpg
    Copy of Copy of def 1.jpg
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:) what paint did you use? do you wanna earn some money. if you can do that to my 90 i'll pay you:cool:
:) what paint did you use? do you wanna earn some money. if you can do that to my 90 i'll pay you:cool:
Used synthetic deep brunswick green paint, ye can spray roller or brush the stuff. Let's just say, it was a first attempt and I'm hopin' that i'm not goin' to do it again in a hurry;) But ye never know, now I've kinda got the hang of it..........:D

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