Would you like it Hard or Easy on the 27th

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Final names list for Sunday is redwingslandrover, reeves_luke, Stick, Booger, MHM and any passengers.
Grippa is as yet undecided and James_300tdi is on standby for when Grippa doesnt arrive.

As a few noobs/peeps without difflock want to do this run, then I will set up a noobs/gaylander friendly run at some point. This will still be SCRATCHY, but not life threatening ;).
hey ,
....nice....,sounds good.
4 what its worth, for future runs, i have all the poormans recovery kit...farm jack, strops, hand winches, axes, saws etc....so i may be of some use, on our forthcoming jaunt round the morrisons carpark.
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looks like a couple of Paj's mite be coming along for the ride, so James - you are in, but we mite need to space out the two groups.
latest update - Grippa not coming.
List is
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not for Sunday
we already have 9 motors which means 2 groups of 4ish.

Unless yu wish to be a passenger?
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A good day out. Pics later. All Discos suffered damage going down water lane, however nothing too serious. Thanks to Luke, Booger and particularly Redwing for keeping us company.
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no not sure they have lol well i'm also sure not many noobs have!

just uploaded the few pic's my dad managed to get.

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