What ratio of hammerite to thinners do you use Snowman?

Also says on back of tin can only be mixed with Hammerite thinners, but again, just trying to push their own products?

Thinners are thinners right?

7:3 when using the gun. Don't really measure it as hammerite is so thick I just go by resistance in stirring.
What ratio of hammerite to thinners do you use Snowman?

Also says on back of tin can only be mixed with Hammerite thinners, but again, just trying to push their own products?

Thinners are thinners right?

you should use their thinners with hammerite if you want a good job ,general thinners will work but spoils the paint
.......the bumper was originally powder coated and was a nightmare to rub off (even with the nitromors)

Getting powder coating off a bumper is not difficult. Last time I did it I built a bonfire of 3 broken pallets, shoved the bumper in when it was nice and red, 10 minutes later it's clean as a whistle with all the powder coating burnt away :)

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