
Hallo, I'm a total newbie to this, be nice. I have inherited a 1997 Defender 110 hardtop, its a bit battered but basically good, I think. After getting it generally checked over I hope to convert it into a bit of a camper for me, so I may need to pick a lot of brains on here for advice, questions which you'll probably think are right stupid but bear with me. I'll be looking at thermal insulation to start, probably a new rear door, and most likely a swing out spare wheel carrier, there are so many products to choose from in just this range I'm confused already! Any good suggestions? I'm not looking to go gold-plated here, but not cheapo rubbish either.
Thank you.
Welcome to the forum

Is it stuck?

Increase the security. They're too easily stolen. Get a tracker. Search for MTrack on youtube.

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