
Hi Folks

Landy spat his dummy today.
Driving home from work about 40ish mph went round slow left corner... grinding, grinding, crunch, bang from the rear offside (I think).

Managed to limp home but deffo not driving right now. Feels loose and is wanting to crab around corners.

Any clues on what may of happened and where to start looking ?

I have it booked in our local garage for next week, but was hoping to get some idea what is wrong to pre order bits.

Thanks as always

I wouldn't have though it was a half shaft, you should have lost all drive to the rear if that snapped. At least thats what happened to me.
wheel bearing colapsed casuing the brakes to rub on the drums and crab going around corners possibly just open it up and check it yourself
Thanks Fella's,

I have jacked the back of the landy up and checked the wheels between rain and snow.

I think your correct about the wheel bearing colapse on the offside rear the wheel is wobbly as jelly and brakes are binding slightly.

I think your correct about it not being the half shaft (tho I'll get the garage to check those as well, think they'll come out if they replace the bearings both sides)

Thanks for the advice again at least I am armed with some info now.

Kind Regards
