New Member
Just had to post this video;

Axle Twister---Or Not!

He's going on about how their upgrade makes this Lexus junk better up this ramp. A standard 90 would drive over that easily.

I dont think its even the proper 45 degree twister ramp!
don't they get a long way up.... not

looks like they have the same axle twiting capability as a standard series landy :D
no this is a joke...

three irish bloke's sat on a bench one day bored..

furst bloke says to his mate's i'm boerd what can we do?

second bloke jumps up and runs off..ten mins later he's back with two chickings under his arm and off he trots up the hill and jumps off..splat as one would expect..

furst bloke looks at his mate and says i'm still bored..then up his mate jumps and he's off..ten mins later he returns with two buggies and again he jumps off the hill...splat again..

furst bloke look's round then walks off into town, walks into a gun shop and buys a shotgun and several shell's then head's to the pet shop...

when he get's there the attendent say's to him in suppris paddy whats with the 12 bore..

and paddy reply's well murphy tried hen gliding and died then shamus tried buggie jumping and again died so i thought i would have a go at parrot shooting :D
no that was the insertus ****us op yella..

a very difficult operation which take's what used to be friend's and insert's them into a position of authority they may well want to abuse with little care or consideration for the other's who have to visit the ward mate

your infliction is only tempory or may come and go there's is permanet to a degree.
no this is a joke...

three irish bloke's sat on a bench one day bored..

furst bloke says to his mate's i'm boerd what can we do?

second bloke jumps up and runs off..ten mins later he's back with two chickings under his arm and off he trots up the hill and jumps off..splat as one would expect..

furst bloke looks at his mate and says i'm still bored..then up his mate jumps and he's off..ten mins later he returns with two buggies and again he jumps off the hill...splat again..

furst bloke look's round then walks off into town, walks into a gun shop and buys a shotgun and several shell's then head's to the pet shop...

when he get's there the attendent say's to him in suppris paddy whats with the 12 bore..

and paddy reply's well murphy tried hen gliding and died then shamus tried buggie jumping and again died so i thought i would have a go at parrot shooting :D
if ah wuz a mod, ah mod yer fer postin old jokes but am only admin so i'll pass yer name on to the old joke police.
it still int pc to post old jokes and it dunt matter if yer declare them or not. ffs we have to have some rules otherwise the mods wint have nowt to mod. and as am admin ah can only send yer out a administraighter letter pointing oot yer in breach of rule 4
no, sorry rule 4 is 'no pooftahs' ah meant 4a 'no old jokes to be posted without prior consent of the old joke police'
where wiz the option to fall asleep while he wiz wittering on?

I'm guzzling a big tin of Quality Street chocs.

That's more interesting than silly pronouncements from some self appointed
obersturmbahnfuhrer ..............

And probably tastier, and certainly a lot sweeter.

that vids embarrassing, dumb yanks talking bout ****e jap crap. Spudys joke was nearly embarrassing but I chuckled at little so now it is me who is red faced!

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