Useless bastids They int had much luck have they. Cos I've told em no landy no dosh :D :D
Glad you're ok mate, but i think if i was you i would of done the same...they have no idea what people have to do, ie. work, sweat and sacrifices... to get such things, bunch of tossers
Do you know yet why? When you say your pal overheard them saying they would have a go, did they mean to steal it or just break your window?
think you went about it wrong, should have said oi ****er after you had knocked the coont into next week :mad:
you ned to leave a baseball bat just inside the front door mate to grab on the way out the door ;)
think my "spare" shotgun will get moved to the back door broom cupboard :D:mad:
Well done for defending your lannie mate.
It's pretty bad that criminals are going for what is, in joe publics eyes, a boring and slow machine.

Get a disklok!
Well done Ratty, luckily nobodys tried my mota yet. It looks too scruffy me thinks.

A good friend of mine had his RRC attempted one night about 6 years ago.

The next night the bar maid of our then local hangout over heared a few young lads talking about it in the pub laughing and pointing at his RRC parked in the car park. The lads were known little ****s and have caused problems with others in the area. We put the word out that we were selling some dodgy parts and one of them got the hint and asked for some bits which we could obviously supply. Met them in a local asda told them exactly where to park at kicking out time for the local clubs. The RRC pulls in, the older one legs it being chased by my mate with his blue wheel brace around Dunstable Town center he got him on the back of the neck/shoulder right outside the jumping jacks car park apparently a bouncer appeared and called the old bill so my mate dissapeared asap. The other lad got a beating from my mates cousin in the car park. I drove the RRC around the town for a bit and then back to my mates home. The two lads were brothers and the dad came to the pub and apologised and set everything straight the next day.

I think the lads got more of a beating from their dad than any of us.

Back then none of us gave a toss.

Walking in the L.A. Club in Town many years ago (full of mostly African males) just for a few late beers in leather jackets, jeans, looking like long haired ****s wearing fook off boots. After getting some weird looks and served our drinks Another "mate" shouting a racist comment for the crack and running was the last time I went out for a laugh with them. I've still got my legs and intend on keeping them!
Do you know yet why? When you say your pal overheard them saying they would have a go, did they mean to steal it or just break your window?

I'm not 100% sure but I think they wanted the goodies bolted on it. I spose I should've hung on for a bit to see which it was.
Well done for defending your lannie mate.
It's pretty bad that criminals are going for what is, in joe publics eyes, a boring and slow machine.

Get a disklok!

steering lock was fitted and wheels were on full lock.;):)
but if yer dont have to then less time hanging around on the drive of the geezer ya about to rob
guessing the police were as much use as a chocolate teapot!
Funcking useless feckers

dont be fookin stupid!:mad:
if his road tax was out he would have been done whilst the scrotes would get a pat on the back and told not to be silly :mad:
steering lock was fitted and wheels were on full lock.;):)

Bloody hell they are a pair of muppets trying to take on a disklok'd machine with fck all tools but a hammer!
Maybe they were just out to cause damage and aggro?!

Glad they've been taught the error of their ways.
Glad to see you came out of it with out a hammer embedded in ya skull.
As annoying as it is, the window can be replaced, might struggle replacin ya brain though.

I agree with Beast o Bodmin on another thread that this is all gettin outa hand now.
Someone is gonna end up gettin killed at this rate. It's hard to understand how these scrotes thought they were goin to get away with nickin ya 110 with disklok on and all, with just a hammer. But who knows what goes on in their minds.

Just glad to see your OK and still with us mate :)

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