Thank you all for your sharing and keeping your eyes peeled. I'd say I hope one day I can return the favour but I really don't want to have to, and hope I never do, it's horrible :( :(

Thor - just for you. It was locked thats all. I went out for supper, I came back 2hrs later at 1030 and it was gone. I have friends that live around the corner and they got to their house at 7 it was there (as was I!) and when they left at 930 it was gone.

I am stupid for not putting my steering lock on, as I always do over night EVERY NIGHT and it's on the drive. I do regret not putting it on...but if they really wanted it they were going to take it no matter whether I had the lock on or not. I will never ever be slack with security again, obviously this has been an awful lesson for me to have had to learn, and I should have listened to other people that have lost landies.

Now you can calm down about th security.

Thank you again to those that have helped me out!!!!! Keep up the good work ;) :)
Was not picking on you at all. Just wondered what devices as to, if and how it was breached, for the benefit of others on LZ the importance of additional security features.
How many new people come on here and there first post is my love and joy was stolen.
Thor there's a whole entire thread dedicated to that. This one is about making sure she gets her 90 back and getting the word out.

Hopefully it was just an opportunistic theft and it turns up somewhere very quickly.
It's handy to know if the robbers have bypassed anything.

She might say 'yeah I had a disklok on it'

We would know then that the perps managed to get it off somehow, which would indicate to everyone that a disklok on it's own might not cut it so fit something else with it.

I think it is a reasonable question to ask

if thieves want any vehicle they will take it,no matter what security you have on it,the op was asking for help not telling all and sundry what or not security was or was not fitted.
Was not picking on you at all. Just wondered what devices as to, if and how it was breached, for the benefit of others on LZ the importance of additional security features.
How many new people come on here and there first post is my love and joy was stolen.

Thor when you posted about what security devices were fitted or not,you made it look like you were demanding to know,not asking.if you just use one of these?,instead of loads of these ???????????????????/.it might come across differently.
Thor there's a whole entire thread dedicated to that. This one is about making sure she gets her 90 back and getting the word out.

Hopefully it was just an opportunistic theft and it turns up somewhere very quickly.

Can someone point me to that thread , need some sensible advice re Landy security.
Any news Ems?
Hmm I doubt it. Hopefuly it hasn't been put on a container or re built straight away and can find it still fingers crossed!
Please please please all those in Brighton/Lewis share info about my car, it was used yesterday in a small burglary so it's not in pieces!!!

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