Allen 666

New Member
Since getting my Discover 2 about 4 years ago,I parked up my 3.9 V8 Classic Range R and not touched it,It ran great no problems but needed some welding,
Its parked up at a house i rent out,Yesterday i had a mobile call ( Dont know how they got my number perhaps an old nighbour gave them it ) Any way it went like this in Irish accent,Do you want me to remove that old landrover thing.I said no !,Then what engine is in it ! 3.9 was my answer,Them things are very bad engines,I said no they are not and it runs and starts just like new,I have not made my mind up yet weather to sell it or break it..We will take it away now for you but its not worth anything !!! I said engine/axles/gearbox/transfer box are all worth some money,NO NO we will take it away for you.Please just leve it alone its mine and i want to keep it.So today i will drive the 12 miles to Warwick and check its ok..They have really worried me now.Its parked off road on my private land,And its on a Sorn.Why do these people have to come nosing around.
I know what you mean. I get paranoid about leaving anything out on my drive even when I go in the house.
It's just not on.
I get them down to my garage asking me the same thing, doesnt matter how many times I tell them I break cars, I buy scrappers the same as them and I know what its worth yet they still try to tell me they will take it away for free and they are doing me a favour!!
Not wishing to fuel the paranoia...

My previous Classic I only used on odd days, and sometimes it could be 10 days between driving it - used to just sit on the drive in front of our garage....

Last January (2011) my 3.9 on Gas was stolen of my drive way (it has a slight downward slope) They got in, into neutral, handbrake off, rolled down the drive way onto the road (which is also slightly down hill) then started the car away from the house - as it makes a roar as all V8's do until the VC Fan warms slightly - and off they trot to a local farm and try and steal a whole bunch of riding tackle - the Police found it the next day buried up to the chassis rails in mud and burnt out...the bastids....

Get a Disclock or pedal box on there to try and keep it secure.

Fingers crossed it was just a one off call....
Must be honest, when they came nosing round my disco, I said it was seized, and then put up security camera the next day. that was a year ago, and touch wood, still there. erm, actually, i better just go check....
I live in a school in not the best area of Doncaster (HA!) with a locked outside perimeter fence/gates, with my parking space also behind locked metal gates, and we get 'em round every so often.

Regularly now I just put it up on Axle stands and take at least one wheel off, sometimes two ... Anyone asks who I don't know well it now "Runs like ****, blown head gasket, bust diff and notchy gears.."

If I cba to put it on axle stands I leave the bonnet up, or put it on ramps!!

Since I've been doing this they've stopped asking .. but just as importantly they've stopped coming into the school car park and driving by it when perimeter gates are open! ... I reckon they want to tow or drive them away, so stopping them, or even just making it hard or awkward for them helps keep it.

Looking like a ****-heap also works well .. sometimes cleaned of mud but never polished, don't think there's a properly straight panel on it, and they're all scratched to fook anyway so nothing much to sell on even as bits ... ;)
ask your neighbours too keep a look out and take down a reg number if they see (or hear the stupid horns). that way if anything does happen they will keep a lookout. to be honest, they are quite polite round by us, well, as polite as they can be. if they come and ask, we tell them no and they go on about there business.
I think I should start taking reg numbers as it's getting a bit out of hand round our way.
Some time last year I think, I was parked up in McDonalds car park in Leamington/Warwick (Queensway) and an irish bloke actually came up to me and tried to flog me one of the 7 tellys in the back of his zafira...this was about 11am on a Saturday morning
I take my steering wheel off when it's parked up, that way either dead lift it on a wagon (like to think somebody would notice a recovery truck in a cul-de-sac lifting my landy) or bring your own wheel! I'm thinking about modifying the steering column too so only my wheel will fit it. Not 100% foolproof by makes it a pain in the arse for a thief on top of everything else.
i was working on me discovery with 1 half of the garage door open they walked round me started sniffin around me garage door asking for scrap and bits that were in me trailer as bonnet on disco was up the battery looked crap so they would take it off told em no they then went on to ask me about my tv in the conservatory which is in my back yard, cheeky as ever they are. security is tight as ever now
Theres a family who live by me who have all their relatives in caravans camping in their back yard during holidays. Kids are as bad as the adults and always knicking bikes, Christmas decorations etc. Getting a bit paranoid myself as one of the kids was admiring the 110 the other day - 'nice jeep mister'.

Police are always round there. Funniset thing I saw recently was a pikey kid collared by a taxi driver as he tried to do a runner outside our house. Kid was hollering & screaming blue murder that his old man would kill him. Driver took his mobile off him until he came back with the fare money. By the look of the driver I don't think the pikeks would have messed with him. Neighbour & I went out so see what was going on. Kid threatened to call the police and wasn't impressed when he found out my neighbour is a policmeman!
Since getting my Discover 2 about 4 years ago,I parked up my 3.9 V8 Classic Range R and not touched it,It ran great no problems but needed some welding,
Its parked up at a house i rent out,Yesterday i had a mobile call ( Dont know how they got my number perhaps an old nighbour gave them it ) Any way it went like this in Irish accent,Do you want me to remove that old landrover thing.I said no !,Then what engine is in it ! 3.9 was my answer,Them things are very bad engines,I said no they are not and it runs and starts just like new,I have not made my mind up yet weather to sell it or break it..We will take it away now for you but its not worth anything !!! I said engine/axles/gearbox/transfer box are all worth some money,NO NO we will take it away for you.Please just leve it alone its mine and i want to keep it.So today i will drive the 12 miles to Warwick and check its ok..They have really worried me now.Its parked off road on my private land,And its on a Sorn.Why do these people have to come nosing around.

Why did you even continue the conversation? They now know that engine, box and axles are good and there for worth taking.

I had a random piky ask me a few questions about my modded Mini many years ago. I was very evasive.

My Landy doesn't move much during the week and I have just had some electric gates installed to keep prying eyes out of my driveway and garage.

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