
Active Member
Has anyone got a decent contact at Gwynedd ROW office that they would be prepared to share?

The're being difficult.
Elaborate on Difficult. ??

Simplest methid is phone them up. Ask to be put thru to PROW officer. Ask for an appointment to come and view the definitive map. take you OS Maps and several highlighter pens. Copy all the Boats & white roads that are marked as been open, in yellow, mark all the TRO'd roads with a Red Hilighter.

When you do a Lane, go over it with a Green Highlighter.


I normally phone up with my list of Grid refs and list the lanes I would like to do and someone says yes or no. In this case no one seems to no who we need to speak to and you get constantly put on hold and passed round and round and round in a bug crappy call center type affair.

Definitive map would be lovely but the office's are not open when I am off work, I am confident that they are rights of way and the lanes I am planning are used regularly according to trailwise and I always like to check there are no TRO's on my route shortly before I leave.
Sounds like typical council switchboard to me. I lived in Gwynedd for 10 years and from my experience they have to be the most disorganised chaotic council, I've ever had to deal with.
My advice would be to always ask for the Highways department, then once put through ask for the "Public Right of Way" Officer.
Well after all that planning, we set out with the intention of doing the Bastard lane down hill as you tube is filled with videos of Discos strugeling to get up the waterfall.

Well I fooked up and we ended up going up.... Dont know what all the fuss was about.

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