That would be a logical idea, but we are looking to purchase a local one from someone in the village. It sounds silly, but I have so many memories wrapped up in it, the only way I can imagine not regretting it, is to find an alternative, something I can take to bits and focus on - A bike sounds like a good idea. I also have a little classic mini which I could tinker with. It doesn’t help when my wife keeps saying, don’t feel pressured, you don’t need to sell it - the more she says that, the more I realise I am acting like an idiot not wanting to part with it simply because of memories. Very foolish!
Sell the mini keep the 90....
That would be a logical idea, but we are looking to purchase a local one from someone in the village. It sounds silly, but I have so many memories wrapped up in it, the only way I can imagine not regretting it, is to find an alternative, something I can take to bits and focus on - A bike sounds like a good idea. I also have a little classic mini which I could tinker with. It doesn’t help when my wife keeps saying, don’t feel pressured, you don’t need to sell it - the more she says that, the more I realise I am acting like an idiot not wanting to part with it simply because of memories. Very foolish!
You are not the only guy who has strong memories and emotions linked to cars.
I actually bought an old style Mini cos I hadn't been able to soup mine up when I was young. So many memories of my old ones. First car I did up, lost my cherry in it, painted it wild, etc etc. but never hotted it up.
Later in life, insurance no problem etc I bought one and fitted an MG Metro engine.
Went like absolute sh!t off a polished shovel. Ambition achieved! :D:D:D:D
So you could do that to your Mini! Or similar! (I flogged mine a couple of years ago. It just got too rusty and they are still uncomfortable. no longer felt attached to it.)
But re the bikes, although i have never ridden one or had a bike licence, I started mechanicing on them with a mate and they are great aren't they? So easy to work on, most parts light enough to carry into the kitchen and work on on the kitchen table (Did I REALLY say that?!):eek::eek::eek:
Hope you get summat sorted out!:):):)
Remora107 said:
I feel your pain . I have had to let a few go in the past , but in the end it was for the best ....

Iirc Jenny Aguter got her norks out in every role until Call the Midwife for some unknown reason :D
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I wonder what happened to them ?
The first one is still in films I believe. Dunno what happened to Blondie and CBA to read all of this but Agutter is still in Call the flipping Midwife, Grrr!
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I think I might be radical. If I were to keep it and fit a new chassis. I think I would be inclined to go back to the factory original.

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