
New Member
Hi everyone ive just discovered a problem with my freelander i noticed some brown oily gunge on the floor under the front of my car ive checked the engine and it looks as though its come from the water expansion tank no signs of water on dip stick or in the oil filler cap but i only topped up oil on saturday and its empty again any ideas
yer head gasket's gone.
clench yer sphinchter - yer about to get shafted.
The longer you drive it ,the sooner you will see water on Dip Stick, then very soon you will feel like one!!!! The gunge is oil and water mixed, it's called "Mayonaise or Mayo" in some places.
my car has the same problem. is it def. the head gasket thats gone, if so how much will repairs cost and shud I get rid once fixed???
my car has the same problem. is it def. the head gasket thats gone, if so how much will repairs cost and shud I get rid once fixed???

Depending on how early it is repaired, most independent garages charge about £300 / £400. This figure can rise if lots of replacement parts are needed and also can be inflated to £1000 by garages out to make a buck, so do shop around.

I would investigate and repair with the revised LR gasket, stronger oil rail and steel locating dowels. To give an example, I bought my car with the problems you experience for £550. I repaired along with other missing parts for £273. Personally its worth doing as I have covered 17,000 miles without fault from the engine with the modified internals.



Only expense has been consumables like tyres, brake pads / shoes / discs

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