you beauty had forgoten about that ,i like reflective music in the middle of the night when we go on family trips and theyve all dropped off ,kids love travelling in pjs at night and waking up somewhere different
you beauty had forgoten about that ,i like reflective music in the middle of the night when we go on family trips and theyve all dropped off ,kids love travelling in pjs at night and waking up somewhere different
ah, mine do that :)

it's ace when they're all asleep and you can contemplate to some soothing tunes
strangely true, if any one of them is taken out of the equation the 2 get along famously.

it's like the line in Hart to Hart....when they're together they're murder :D
hehe only someone been through it knows , i once ran into the back of a lorry at a slip way ,trying to sort a situation ,left it after that luckily no damage :)
hehe only someone been through it knows , i once ran into the back of a lorry at a slip way ,trying to sort a situation ,left it after that luckily no damage :)

aye thats why my hair has gone to grey and i shudder when i hear "Dad" :D

nite JM i'm away to my pit
If you want music to relax and contemplate to then look no further than Buddhist Chants and Peace Music ... whilst haunting it is also very enchanting, superb music :)
It gets no better than Ludwig... who was doing twelve bar before any of us ever could.... and mozart who made it interesting!

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