
New Member
Treat me gently please.

Haven't actually got a Land Rover yet. Been to look at a few but still looking for the right one.

Prefer ex MOD S3 109.

Anyway. Greetings to all you lot on here.

Right, gonna post some daft questions now :p
Treat me gently please.

Haven't actually got a Land Rover yet. Been to look at a few but still looking for the right one.

Prefer ex MOD S3 109.

Anyway. Greetings to all you lot on here.

Right, gonna post some daft questions now :p
Aye, welcome tae the mad hoose virgin;) :D
Bit more partly cos me some great great an a few more greats granpa on me dads side wuz from Scottishland as well when Carlisle wuz on the other side of the border, or summat like that anyhow.
Carlisle never has been nor hopefully will it ever be north of the border!
Keep the scumbrians where they belong no offence intended
Carlisle never has been nor hopefully will it ever be north of the border!
Keep the scumbrians where they belong no offence intended
Aye it wus:rolleyes: Canny mind when exactly, but thur wus a big advertisin thing on west-sound fur the big museum bit in Caerlie gan on aboot it;) :D
Its been occupied by scots but we never actually moved the border to make it part of scotland,sure we lived there and probably showed the women folk a new thing or 2 but it was berwick on the other side that used to be part of scotland
And anyway of course ther are a few scots on here coz we just bout the only ones in blighty with the exception of yarksheer wot got any decent hills to drive them up and down
Sorry just seem be on one tonight, I will get over it!
Kinnell I did say summat like that. Am not sure eggzackly where from an ant a clue wot he wuz called an could as far as I know have been Hamish McGrunt but he wuz alledgedly Jockanese. An so that makes me summat like 2/23rds Jockish. An seeing as how I'm the last male Grunt owld Hamish McGrunts line ends with me.

Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site Although the Roman-built Hadrian's Wall is nowadays in England, in former times it marked the border between Scotland and the rest of Britain. A background to the history of the wall is provided with good illustrations and maps of the various sites and museums along the wall. They thus provide a useful description of the Roman attempt to keep out the savages from the north.

What yer on aboot is the current Border:p ;) :D

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