
Active Member
Well I bit the bullet and purchased my 1st Landrover Freelander 2001MY ES 2.5 V6. Never thought I'd buy one but the opportunity arose and I took it! Im a Kiwi living in Sydney, Australia. Finding it rather frustrating finding parts (not that I need them ............ yet!) most of them are in the UK where you guys are!!
My main focus is on renewing my steering wheel (the leather has worn in one spot from previous owner wearing large rings whilst driving) and the roof headlining sagging (apparently a common problem so I'm told). There will be a visit to a local motor trimmer to fix the aforementioned problems. Hopefully thats all I will be faced with. Cheers all hope to chat in the future.
lmao @ pooftah! We're concrete canyon cowboys here! Most everyone has got a 4x4 in Sydney to combat the potholes and speedbumps that spring up everywhere!! The Jappers, I dont like them - seems everyones got a Rav4 or CRV (or heaven forbid a Hyundai Sante Fe 4x4) I wanted something different!! (and BMW 4x4's are way out of my price range)
I had a Mazda Van (Bongo type) I like being up high so I can read the road ahead, got used to it, so wanted something more luxurious than my rattler, but still have the same sort of view, and this just came along at the right time. Also wanted something to tow my m/bike trailer without struggling, and the occassional trip out of the city on secondary roads. We're also prone to flooding around these parts (you may have noticed!! lol ) so also wanted something to handle adverse conditions. Rover ticked all the boxes in the price range I was looking at. We all buy vehicles for different reasons - you like Mud? go for it!! not for me thanks! Rather spend my time basking in the sun than washing the muck off every weekend. (plus 245/35x20's aint exactly mud duellers!!)
Thanks for the info, will look them up when I pass, fair comment about your own vehicle, we all buy for different reasons, you'll need a thick skin round here driving a freelander, try not to listen too much there's some good info to be had here and a lot of people will try and help when you have a problem.

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