Nice welcome...
I suppose you guys are the security guards on the front desk then are you? ;)
I apologise if it comes across as spam, I'm just trying to get some feedback.
She actually has an all over body tattoo starting from her neck down. Don't ask me how I know that.

How can it be an all over body tat, when I can see it is not full sleeves and legs............?????, Plus we can see neckline in the Lanc photo.

Nice welcome...
I suppose you guys are the security guards on the front desk then are you? ;)
I apologise if it comes across as spam, I'm just trying to get some feedback.
Personally speaking I'm far too childish to be a security guard and recent health and safety legislation bars @blue beasty from being one as he only wears sandles:p

Please forgive my unfriendly welcome but if I had a pound every time someone joined the forum to get some feedback on some products they were considering marketing and have obviously invested in but I'm not trying to sell on here honest guv then I'd have sufficient funds to purchase the items you're not selling :rolleyes:
OK, tough crowd...

I actually thought that the above was just a bit of banter... you know, 'let's pick on the new guy' stuff, which is fine.

I've taken off some of the pictures.
Well, like I said at the beginning, it started out as an exercise in design for me and was never meant to be a business. Just wanted to share the journey. I loved building the 90 to my own personal spec and I enjoyed creating parts and panels from scratch that were not available to buy.

The photos were from a professional shoot that was entitled 'Tarnished Beauty', so it was all about the battered Land Rover, the war damaged planes and the tattooed girl. Seeing beauty in things that are less than perfect as more and more people look for individuality and charm in a world full of monotony. Some people get it, others see a tattooed bird and a bent 90.... That's fine.

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