
I bought myself my first landy last year which is a Freelander 1, 1999 model with a 2 litre diesel engine. It's in exceptional condition for a 20 year old car, but has many minor issues which are being sorted out slowly.
The problem I have at the moment is traction control! I've noticed that , at slow speed and when turning right, if I hit a bump or rough ground, there is alot of chatter from the control unit and occasionally will lose the brakes totally. A mechanic advised me just to disconnect the unit and everything will be fine. But I won't have Abs or Traction control!
Does anyone know about this problem and/or knows how to fix it? I want to see if it's fixable by me because the mechanics are damned expensive here!
If you think it could be dangerous, when it comes to brakes if you are not 100% sure what you are doing, just give it to a professional (not the one that said just do without) and hand over the cheque. It’s not worth the alternative.
That said it could be something simple best ask in Freelander section

Welcome :)
Welcome to the forum

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