Hi folks,
I've been perusing the forums for a while, picking up tips here and there. It would seem there's a heck of a lot more LR activity and discussion, etc., in the UK than in New Zealand, where I live.
The LR I use belongs to a charity. It's a Freelander 2, TD4, 2007, manual.
I've got the job of maintaining it, getting it serviced etc.
I've got a few questions, which I'll be posting shortly.
Wishing you all the best...

Thanks. I was actually just reading GrumpyGel's info on the LZIR map.
I see a fair few LRs on the road, but haven't found much in the way of an online community or otherwise for them here. It's great that with the Internet those of us in the far South Pacific can connect with the landy owners in the North Atlantic. :)
Welcome @Jonathan-NZ.

The man with hats missed @htr who is a Ninja K Series Freelander guy. There's a few other Kiwi Freelanderers floating around as well. Unfortunately @Tony Reeves was upset by comments on AG and no longer logs on, its a shame, he's a cracking guy and technically very proficient.

I'm a member on https://www.facebook.com/groups/NZ.Freelanders/?ref=bookmarks

Its not very busy. In fact its mainly me that posts up stuff, for Freelandering LZ is the way to go :)

Good luck with the Freelander 2. They're pretty good cars. A few things to be careful/warey of but appear reasonably reliable. When they do go wrong though, they can be a right PITA!

As it happens, the wife's niece arrived on NZ80 this morning via HK... and they WILL be in Middle Earth tomorrow :) Its OK though cos they'll be down on the decent island on Wednesday, just in time for all the rain :(
only those that like earthquakes :eek:
Nothing wrong with a good shake every now and then.

Actually, there is, quite a few things really - but best to blindly ignore the inevitable until it happens. You'll know when a really bad one happens because all the Kiwi members will stop posting because all our hydro dams and canals have been munted and we have no electricity :eek:
Earthquakes, volcanoes... Keeps life interesting.
Not that I've ever had to deal with either. Although just a few nights ago the house was shaking a little from an EQ somewhere in the area. Seems to happen at least every few months. o_O
You must be "top left" of the island then or else you'd have been feeling them over the last year or so if you were in Marlborough.

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