
New Member
Greetings all

Well not entirely deepest darkest but living in Zimbabwe can certainly feel like it sometimes!!!!! :eek: I purchased a freelander 2 some years ago much to the disgust and insults of many of my non landrover friends! However I love my vehicle and although it takes constant abuse on the roads I drive everyday and is subsequently giving me some jip I am thoroughly converted!

I want to thank you all for the useful advice I have already gleened off this site!

Have a great week

WELCOME! So what do your non landy friends drive then to make them feel that way?

Actually, have you not had any abuse from any landrover friends on here? - I'm a newb to this site as of last week and already I see plenty of disparaging banter towards the Freelander. :D

I reckon they're lulling me into a false sense of security before ripping into my Discovery 2 TD5 ;) My first ever vehicle with a Land Rover badge!

Ha ha, yes I do get more abuse from Lany lovers than I do non landy lovers, and yes I know I drive the divorce car but I love it and will argue it to the bone :) I most def wont start the ragging about the Discovery though :)