thas a very nice pic Ods, how much lead weight did ya use to keep them buggers still:D
oh welcome from the real west country:p
thas a very nice pic Ods, how much lead weight did ya use to keep them buggers still:D
oh welcome from the real west country:p

Cheers Elbs (up in the north east), i was rather chuffed - i'd forgotten i entered the pic last week (i think i was drunk!) so when our PR lady emailed me today to say my picture was in the paper, i was a bit worried (we did a big presentation down at Looe last week which the press turned up for) that it might have been a bad pic OF me, but it turned out alright - and i got a jessopps voucher off of it too!:D:D:D (New canon D500 here we come!!!:D:D:D)

PS Don't forget to put the whippetts out and eat some haggis etc.
Ayup, i work in snozzle so i spect ive driven past yer many times!!!:D:D:D Welcome anyway - and yer getting rid of the wrong one :D:D:D

Town now finished(ish) as for getting rid of wrong one, I'd like to keep both but financial controller will not release funds to this impoverished mature student so it has to go :( and i don't have any room at chez wylie..

BoB Am i still an emmet if i've been here more than 7 years??

Minxy4x4 said:
anyone fancy all meeting up??

Go on then arrange something. :)
slight off topic but anybody know about Cube Garage at Sticker? he has some very interesting metal around his workshops including a very tall gaylander
slight off topic but anybody know about Cube Garage at Sticker? he has some very interesting metal around his workshops including a very tall gaylander

Nope - nevva heard of the place.
Take some pics - could do with a laugh.
Int that where we met Si n Drippy that time???

err dunno? dunt remember it bein called Cube Garage though...

Anyways, what happened to our day out?
Deffo goin fer 5th or 6th Dec - Kingy's comin down to Looe.
err dunno? dunt remember it bein called Cube Garage though...

Anyways, what happened to our day out?
Deffo goin fer 5th or 6th Dec - Kingy's comin down to Looe.

Not sure, nobody turned up at the windy ridge this mornin so had ter do it on me own :D:D:D

Definitely the 5th or 6th though, i drove past Stumps the other day but not heard from him in a while - can you get in touch?
neither did Oddie

anyways, we're gonna do some lanes on 5th or 6th dec (tbc) so pencil it in if you wanna come along

consider me penciled in(assuming i get the engine running right), i assume you're meeting at windy ridge? don't suppose any of you know of anything further west lanes wise?

and how about someone organising a weekend jolly to the land of dragons for some real greenlane fun?
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neither did Oddie

anyways, we're gonna do some lanes on 5th or 6th dec (tbc) so pencil it in if you wanna come along

Where are we planning - only CC is up for it and it would be good to catch up with him, now he's a student he'll be bringing lots of beer and wimmins :D:D:D - Baldhu?

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