
New Member
Hi, after a head on prang at xmas (not my fault!) and having my car written off, I got offered a Discovery, went for test drive and loved it.
No going back now!!!
Saw this site, had a look and thought 'most of these people are insane' so I joined.:D
Oink...aye, most of us have had a severe head injury at some point, 'cept BoB, he's jest a feeker....:mooning:

And Gertys a tart..(oreet booby nooby?)
And Gertys a tart..(oreet booby nooby?)

Oi Nogbad, I'm a very nice laydee!! (if yer like that sort o thing........ :p)

:welcome2: dark pixie; can you touch the pedals in a Disco, or have you got some sort of Pixie magic to cover that sort of eventuality??
Oi Nogbad, I'm a very nice laydee!! (if yer like that sort o thing........ :p)

:welcome2: dark pixie; can you touch the pedals in a Disco, or have you got some sort of Pixie magic to cover that sort of eventuality??

Thanks for the welcomes
I have no problem reaching the pedals, I only do the steering wheel bit, my pixie mate does the pedals:D

No really, have not had a problem, think I must have long legs
Nah, you got it all wrong ... everyone in here is fine ...

it's t'other buggers who're the loonies .. ;)

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