
New Member
Hi all, bought my first disco a week before christmas, and Lo, the head problem did appear - and I was not pleased. ( cracked fuel rail apparently which lead to an interesting over run on the motorway a couple of weeks after christmas). following a polite and grown up conversation with the garage that sold it to me about Sale of goods act and all that - they have agreed to pay for a new head & fitting ( as we speak - or should that be as I write?) it is being fitted with a new AMC head .& all is well ( so far)
Hoping to learn a great deal about this lovely vehicle from here.
Should that also be very windy Lancashire watching Blackpool on the news it looked pretty bad:welcome2:
Don't believe any of that rubbish them Yorkshire folk write th're just jealous that they are over the Pennines from Gods county :)

Welcome to Lancashire and to the forum :)
Should that also be very windy Lancashire watching Blackpool on the news it looked pretty bad:welcome2:

Thanks Lisbeth, Kite flying weather I think! and it is raining /sleeting upwards at the moment.

This bit o wind is nowt for us tough Lancastrians, just got back from a stroll out in the breeze... don't know what all the fuss is about:D

Welcome to the forum!

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