Wow yeah that is a trouser browning moment for sure! Is this the TV show that Thames had an ad out for where they needed a vehicle to be filmed? One of the ex-Camel guys somewhere around Winslade/Herriard?
Yeh up at Bob Ives farm about a minute from me. He said to me was after one v8 ideally few weeks before hand but couldn't find anything so used mine in the end..

Two days of filming with ITV last week for Paddy McGuinness new Tv show.. This is paddy having a brown trowser moment at the end of the day.. :p

Tell us about this gig? What's the programme and how did you get involved?
Filming for Paddys new tv show, paddy was driving, and I know the bloke that ITV asked to do the offroad training and provide the site, does all the filming/ backup for the top gear foreign adventures and was quite envolved in the camel trophy, him & his brother being the only British team to win one of the trophys



Some scumbags have stolen my friend's car from outside our offices in Malshanger so if you recognise the car in the CCTV footage or if you see the Land Rover please get in touch, thank you.
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She's ready for her stay at the garage in the morning!! Going to be fun (dangerous and bumpy) using clutch again...nothing seemed to have siezed and she started straight away...however passenger door doesn't open. Even kicking didn't work. Think the rusty doors have given up.
Just learnt how to post a pic since the forum changed (slow.) so here's a pic of the best looking redhead in town!

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