Where was that!!

The thing I remember about Emma's breakdown was the Manky scotch egg under the seat.....

Alright calm down! Let's forget that now yeah?!
I've got to clean her out before the weekend...she's got a mould problem...not been in her since December (think it's just horse food this time)!! (She's been moved and started perfectly think God!!)
Should I message Locky on fb in case he hasn't seen this and fancies it?
Who's up for getting a route together ?

Hopefully I can get my tyre put on another wheel as I bent the rim last time I was out.
I'm just a tad too busy to be arranging routes I'm affaird sorry, need to get time stick this back in the front!
I may not be able to come, in true LR fashion it broke down today !
Slowly ground to a halt just as I managed to pull off the A30 close to Hattern cross.
Pleased loads of people doing 15mph in a 50 limit at about 6pm.

It's fuel related I'm sure, but I don't think a new fuel filter is going to cut it.
I do hope it's not the injection pump.
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I can stop running round like an idiot trying to find time to fit this diff then!!!
Haha definietly sort a trip out soon people! :)
I wouldn't even know where to start looking lane wise, I can't remember any of them let alone start planning a route!!!!

Just seen the updated posts - senior phone! That's fine I shall take my phone to apple and yet the screen fixed!!! Def keep me updated on a trip out soon!
My car is running again, it was just the filter after all.
I have a couple of maps of the area from doing the treasure hunt the other year, I could map out a route but don't have anyone I trust to read a map the old school way.
Hi all,

I've done a bit of research and am a bit confused :confused:
On the Hampshire RoW interactive map it suggests Hangars Way has a 'Temporary Closure' but on Bywaymap.com it doesn't -- I'm only using this one as an example as most of us drove it a while ago and I'm led to believe that it has in fact been worked on and open again. Due to this conflicting information not sure I'm best suited to plan a route as I get all antsy, don't want a section 59 tbh. :eek:

I do know a route that's possible from Haslemere/Hindhead to Farnham or visa versa, although I've not driven all the lanes myself :(
There is also a route taking in about 20 lanes north of Alton (some of which were driven when we did the 'treasure hunt' a while back) which were published in LRO in Feb's edition, so you would think their info would be up to date :D
I would use the council interactive map as to what lanes are shut or open. Alton one sounds good being local to me! :p

I'm currently waiting for the delivery man to drop me off some Diff oil so can fit me locker back in. So glad I've got a workshop to use, Misserable bloody weather..
The LRO Alton map sounds like a good idea, funny as I worked out a route today that's in the same area and covers 19 lanes / recreational routes, covers around 35 miles, 20 of them lanes.
I'm guessing it's pretty much the same route. But again have no idea if any have TRO's, or how to find out.

If we go with the LRO route who's up for going on Monday ? and who would lead the way.
I'm ok for tomorrow :D

Happy to follow you Mark ;)

What time, and where shall we meet, what is best / easiest for those coming.

Who else is coming?
Unless we can find a map reader I can't see it happening, to many rely on satnavs nowadays.
It's not a good idea to try following an OS map wile driving.
I've just checked and non of the lanes on my route are closed on Bywaymap.com.
I'll check with SWMBO later to see if I'm free (aloud out).
SWMBO gave me the "what ever", so she's got the hump, but I'll not let that stop our fun.

Shall we meet at the Farnham BP as usual ?

What time is good for you ?
Me and Discohat had a good afternoons laneing,
we had to do some tree clearance, only the small ones, we had to turn around for the big ones.
Came across a couple of closed lanes that were shown as open on Bywaymap.com but found another route.

Chris can you please thank your daughter for the map reading and lane clearing, she did a great job, a budding off roader in the future I think.
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