Hahaa thanks for that :p
On a serious note I know there's a few local places that are getting quite close to flooding so best keep an ear open in case any help is required..
my landrofver is off the road till prob wednesday but once the new amster cylinder is on i would be able to help
7230r it's not big big compared to some of the others but big enough!! its only proper deep for a few metres where the brick bridge is behind the 30 signs then goes down to about a metre and a half or 2 either side again.
Nice trac! :)

But not 3 metres, that would be nearly up to the roof of the cab! :D
Got my air filter drying in the oven :oops:
Water had dropped to About 5ft so took the landy through :D Seats are soaked, drained water out fuel, and just finished hosing out the rad & intercooler of mud & silt !! Should have a video up somewhen hopefully!
I'm in the Basingstoke area but have been working out an all-day route using lanes I know that go towards Alton, through Farnham, Frensham, Devils Punchbowl and then plan to drive some of these Dorking lanes. Has anyone got info on any that are in bad repair right now - above seems to suggest one of them at least is very flooded out!
I'm in the Basingstoke area but have been working out an all-day route using lanes I know that go towards Alton, through Farnham, Frensham, Devils Punchbowl and then plan to drive some of these Dorking lanes. Has anyone got info on any that are in bad repair right now - above seems to suggest one of them at least is very flooded out!
dont go on your own.
... thanks for that. I wasn't proposing a solo mission. Just wondering what routes people would recommend are a bit too savage given the recent weather and flood warnings.
Not many peeps on here have been out for a while. All I will say is take care, act responsibly and be VERY careful, a lot of our local lanes are based on chalk and that is like an ice-rink when wet. As stated, make sure yu aint alone.
Oh & join up to LZIR :)
Walking some of the lanes might be a good idea just to see what's what but even if it stops raining today, it's gonna be a month+ before stuff dries enough for it not to be a complete marsh.
Walking some of the lanes might be a good idea just to see what's what but even if it stops raining today, it's gonna be a month+ before stuff dries enough for it not to be a complete marsh.

That would be very much my take on it. Drying is slow as the sun is still low in the sky, and run-off takes a long time to dry the ground.

The local crew had planned our first run out of the winter for Nov 12th. We called it off a few days before, due to the persistent rain and soft ground. The situuation has actually got a lot worse since that time.
Yep I am meant to be going laning in Suffolk this weekend but it's 50/50 as to whether we will or just go to the pub lol

Thing is if in this weather people go and 'play' and **** the lanes then the council might take a dim view when the weather is better.

Best avoid them if they are really bad
Yep I am meant to be going laning in Suffolk this weekend but it's 50/50 as to whether we will or just go to the pub lol

Thing is if in this weather people go and 'play' and **** the lanes then the council might take a dim view when the weather is better.

Best avoid them if they are really bad

No way you cna drive anywhere except solid rock at the moment without doing serious damage to the ground. We are on lockdown on the farm, absolute minimum vehicle movement. just as far as the bale stack and the yard. Fields are pudding! Outside jobs have to wait for the dry-up, when it comes.

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