I wuz half pondering some light laning over the hols, but gonna be scratchy I suspect. Very few lanes around our way don't have some level of overgrowness :)
Keep me posted on dates you might go out...not using Jaf as a day to day car at the mo, but might be able to bring her Laning, she's working (at the moment!)
OK, I'll come clean :oops: did some spontaneous laning - that's normal laning without the prep :) - this afternoon. Very pleasant, no dramas and far less scatchy than I expected :).
Result, not been laning for ages, and now that the manifold is fixed, its all ready to go - just need to have the right days off from work
I haz broked my landy.

Master cylinder and servo gone and flexi needs replacing. Parts won't come till the new year :(
Anyone fancy a spot of water? ;) just been through and its around the 3 metre mark.. Lower faringdon outside Alton.

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