Yeah love that lane. I've never tried going up it mind. Did you notice they've completely levelled Boxalls Hill. It's smoother than the road it exits onto, concreted over. They removed that big tree trunk too.

Oh my god! I only just started loving that hill & being a bit braver !!!!! :( :(
There's another real good axle twister further down the end of that lane on the whit more vale road.
Attached picture, circled in red- lane on the right is boxall hill and this other good one is on the left.

Max, yeah the one at Boxall hill has had a load of drainage put in and is completely levelled. The end section is concreted. The one off Whitmore vale has a 12month TRO Public Notices
I think we may have lost that lane. The TRO was 12 months and now been extended for another 12 months.
Ahhh whatttt :/
Well we still got a few over by punchbowl and area to do! Loads of good ones by me but think it would be abit far for people to go, would be another 15/20 min drive from the punchbowl to get near them..
Maybe anther time when we've got a whole day to go laning,
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I think everyone would be fine with Alton (Right Em?) I usually end the route around there. Unless you want to start at Punchbowl straight onto wagoners wells and up to Alton if you want to cut out the punch bowl? We never really get to a lot of the lanes around Alton because it's always at the end of the route and getting on a bit. I don't mind though. I'll be following you haha.
Ok matey, well I'll have a look on memory maps and try get a rough idea of the lanes nothing to bad and check none of them are Tro if people don't mind traveling for 15 mins down the A3. If it's abit far can just do the norm round the punchbowl :)
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Yeah Alton is fine with me :) I'll ask pops if she's free too :)
Let me know times and that, I should finish work about 330 but got to sort horse after that, could prob get on road for 5? It'll take me about an hour to get to you I think?
Prob easyest if we start near Alton 6pm ish then and work back to punchbowl to finish??
Sound good?
Got about 15 lanes lined up at the mo all that can be done with no damage as id hate to see em's new 90 with a dent in lol ;)
Prob take 3 or 4 hours ish to do all the lanes and back to hindhead/ punchbowl to finish 9/10pm ish not too late I can always cut some out depending on time and when people want to be back
I'll sort out a meet and pm ya??
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Got a route and it's about 57mile odd. We can always cut out a few lanes if it's getting to late. People who haven't said anything yet let me know if you want to come and I'll send out meet point & info etc.

If anyone's curious..
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Thanks max!
Looking forward to getting her a bit muddy!! This weeks job is trying to get the awful 'dirtfender' stickers off, even if I just get 'dirt' off it'll be 100% better!!!

Roll on Saturday!
Thanks max!
Looking forward to getting her a bit muddy!! This weeks job is trying to get the awful 'dirtfender' stickers off, even if I just get 'dirt' off it'll be 100% better!!!

Roll on Saturday!

you got a new beast then? or did you get your old one back?

you got a new beast then? or did you get your old one back?


Got a new 1, heard nothing about my 90, gutting :( sending keys to insurance tomorrow, don't want to though - hence why it's taken me so long - as I feel like it's the end :(
Can I suggest not publishing routes on an open forum. We dont want them over-driven, do we?

best to PM them to interested parties.

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