I dont know if you were with us the last time we drove it Andy the farmer had tipped a load of hardcore from his field to try and stop us getting through, but this time he had really piled it up and because it had rained and dried it was like concrete and was about six foot high so no chance of moving any of it, i had already had a tow from Paul to get that far as it was deeply rutted and my steering guard was grounding out, so the prospect of reversing out wasnt a good one as paul was in front of me, there was no way to turn round either, so all we could do was back up and hope we made it out, it was a hair raising reverse as i had to really go for it so as not to ground out again, and on the way back i hit a tree stump trying go reverse round a fallen tree stump lol, so a bit further back down the lane paul found a possible turning round spot, it wasnt great but our best chance to turn round and drive out so Paul tried first and did it so then he backed up and i tried hoping not to get stuck across the lane, so that worked and we finally got out, i ripped the plastic corner off the bumper and bent the bodywork a bit but not too bad really, just glad to get out lol