Andy if you've get the Radius arms off and need a press let me know. I can stick my press in the car and run it over to you. Makes things a lot faster. Or if you get a few hours free on a weekend run the car over to my parents I reckon we could get that lot done under 3 hours. Minus the electricals.
I did my radius arms and bearings recently

Cheers Paul, unfortunately time just isn't on my side with this one so i've had to book her in with the garage for the repairs.
Its really pee'd me off but she has to be fully working by friday and the only time I have before then is sunday morning. So i'm just doing the electrical bits as there is no way on earth i'm paying someone else to do that!
Dont worry Andy, I know how it is. Gotta make hay while the sun shines. I've been run off my feet lately. I've literally been returning home just to sleep the last couple of weeks.

Shall we meet at the usual place in Hindhead at 10:00 on Sunday everyone. If you don't know where that is just shout and I'll send a PM.
Actually I'll send out PMs anyway, but I'll do it tomorrow.
Dont worry Andy, I know how it is. Gotta make hay while the sun shines. I've been run off my feet lately. I've literally been returning home just to sleep the last couple of weeks.

That's pretty much what I've been doing aswell, and it all gets busier with firework season upon us.
Second display of the season tomorrow night, and then starting next Saturday we have a weeks run of about 6/8 displays a night .
I don't know why your pm never comes through Simon. I wonder who I'm sending them too. I'll try again. You know where it is though. Normal place.

Remember the clocks go back tonight

Ah I've just worked it out. There's another strange days without the underscore.

Who have I been sending the invites too?!
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Sorry i couldnt make today guys just got to try and finish my garage before the weather turns, have good day and be safe

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