Do I need to do anything prep wise?

My rover is mechanically all good, everything works as I should and I have wolf wheels with Michelin zxl's. Got a recovery line, and can bring a basic toolkit.

Do I really need a CB radio??
Yes I do, cool I did wonder about the cb thing. Didn't think I really needed it but wasn't sure


CB's are good for a group giggle as you tootle along and to inform the gate bitches what to do, but if you're in the middle of a group you wont really need one. A phone will do as long as there's coverage. To be honest, for laning, the most important things are food and drink!!
A CB radio makes the whole laning experience a much more social event and, in my opinion, ten times better. You won't be able to use a phone whilst driving.
If you do get one resist the urge to ever say

10 : 4 Rubber Duck we got us a convoy

It was only funny donkey's years ago
and was old real quick back then ;)
Well I will give it a go without a cb and see how I get on, can always get one later if I really need it. I suppose I can always send a runner with messages if I don't have mobile signal!

I would definately advise getting a CB they are indespensible for laning, so you know whats going around you, cant see how a mobile would work its just not practicle, are you gonna leave it on all day, and expect someone to keep thiers on or answer it while tyring to drive, CBs are so cheap and easy to fit
I would definately advise getting a CB they are indespensible for laning, so you know whats going around you, cant see how a mobile would work its just not practicle, are you gonna leave it on all day, and expect someone to keep thiers on or answer it while tyring to drive, CBs are so cheap and easy to fit

Even just for hearing advice I think they're invaluable! When I can hear that is :eek:
So in total agreement here :D

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