Yay! The cast is coming off my leg next week and I haven't started taking the engine apart in the Rangie yet so I'm up for any upcoming outings! I will have to start the head gasket work soon though so the sooner the better!!!
Yay! The cast is coming off my leg next week and I haven't started taking the engine apart in the Rangie yet so I'm up for any upcoming outings! I will have to start the head gasket work soon though so the sooner the better!!!
You'll be ready for a trip in March then :D
Good Recce run today with Sniffs. I think it can be summerized by ""good lanes, bad lanes, stuck and puncture".

I would advise peeps not to run the "boneshaker" or the lane I call "the drop", just North of Alton Golf club. Neither are passable without a lot of problems and prospective damage.

We will not be using these lanes as we consider them unsuitable for use in their current state.
So the 3rd is not now possible for me to do a laning trip around Basingstoke. I'm looking to organise alternatives with Daft later in March - will post here when we have landed on a date.

As Daft says, the recce was worth doing, if just to exclude a couple of lanes that are seriously knackered. It's worth noting that although it's Winter, several of the lanes are very scratchy...
Yeah, sorry about this folks. Daftlett is due to move house in March and the dates keep changing at the mo. I am the only one that can drive a 7 tonner.
So, how does Sunday 10th March grab folks?

Start around Basingstoke around 10 and doing some gentle lanes for the day. We'll leave out the really dire ones, but still some of interest. Lanes are scratchy so not suitable for shinies.

Very limited spaces...

1. Snifflebag - Chris
2. Chris' friend (TBC)
6. The Mad Hat Man

Limit is six vehicles. Please copy and paste the list with your name...
1. Snifflebag - Chris
2. Chris' friend (TBC)
3. Davethsparky (Andy)
6. The Mad Hat Man

Limit is six vehicles. Please copy and paste the list with your name...
1. Snifflebag - Chris
2. Chris' friend (TBC)
3. Davethsparky (Andy)
4.Ian W (tentative)
6. The Mad Hat Man

Limit is six vehicles. Please copy and paste the list with your name...
So, how does Sunday 10th March grab folks?

Start around Basingstoke around 10 and doing some gentle lanes for the day. We'll leave out the really dire ones, but still some of interest. Lanes are scratchy so not suitable for shinies.

Very limited spaces...

1. Snifflebag - Chris
2. Chris' friend (TBC)
6. The Mad Hat Man

Limit is six vehicles. Please copy and paste the list with your name...

How scratchy is scratchy, Chris?
A couple were pretty scratchy - you've driven them before I think, early on when your Rangy was definitely shiny! :behindsofa:

We can always take some gardening kit :)
Oh sod it. It's only paint...

1. Snifflebag - Chris
2. Chris' friend (TBC)
3. Davethsparky (Andy)
4.Ian W (tentative)
5. Kooky_Guy (Guy)
6. The Mad Hat Man

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