Hi guys newbie here to this site , am also up for green laning in surrey. I live in Ripley so not to far from the lanes you guys have been mentioning. The ones i do know that are not to bad and are good ish are:

Shere ( now closed until may next year due to being winter and they dont want us lot going up and down it making it worse lol )

Parklands farm up the road from shere its quite a good lane and brings you out at Farley Green lane wich is the best one ive found so far around surrey (lots of tilting in most places, going up fareley green is beter than going down of course)

Leith hill - Standard Green lane im sure we all know it pretty boring to be fair.

Sawmill - Down the road from shere up the top brings you out by top of dorking.

If anyone is up for doing these lanes and better ones ( if you know any) get in touch .
Be good to go out with a few motors and do it . week nights are good for me and sunday day or night is good .

Speak soon

The-V8-Man sorry I didn't reply to your text my phone decided it wasnt up for working yesterday, hope you all had a good day as I saw you all at boxhill (I was with the bikers...not all of them! + my dad) Maybe next time I can reply I'll actually join you on it!
Welcome along Disco Dan be good to meet you sometime, we nearly went to do the farley lane but time was marching on so we just went back up to bocketts lane.
Ok nitro shame you couldnt make it we had a really good day but never seen the lanes so busy we had allsorts along the way few other 4x4s, horses, bikes and push bikes, had to back up for some horses which was interesting lol, was getting quite wet in places which was good fun, we stopped at newlands corner for a cuppa and there is a short lane there which takes you down to shere village not very demanding but was ok, so a good day all round.
Parklands farm up the road from shere its quite a good lane and brings you out at Farley Green lane wich is the best one ive found so far around surrey (lots of tilting in most places, going up fareley green is beter than going down of course)

Yeah was a good one, started getting dark on the way back which was fun. Looking forward to the next one and hoping we can get a few more vehicles out.

This Parklands sounds like fun, dunno why but I like going up steep hills also :confused:

Hope we get some snow soon then we can really get it on! :D
cheers for all the info guys! in true Suzuki fashion the sj blew up so am looking at defenders if anyone knows anything decent going on the cheap.
Parklands lane? Were is that? :s Do you mean Ponds Farm Lane (That now has a TRO on it over winter, and has been leveled!)? That brings you out at Farley Green. Then from Farley Green there is Ride Lane....
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Nah this comes out literally on the green on Farley Green.

It was pretty ropey when I went down there on my own, just reversed when I got to a certain point.
Hi, I found this website Trail riding on Green lanes in Surrey - the map
which gives loads of information, descriptions and in some cases videos of the BOAT. Now all I need to do is pick up my Landy and we are off :-D

Welcome to the forum Stuart :welcome2: So what Landy are you getting and whereabouts are you based? A few of us regularly meet up for laning trips and you will more than welcome to join us. Keep your eye on this thread for future plans.
Thank you, I get my 03 Defender 90 tomorrow - another 24 hours to wait!!! - I am new to land rovers (and indeed 4x4) - I am near Farnham in Surrey and look forward to meeting up
Evenin' all.

Me and a friend went out last night in the fog to the bocketts farm route through to shere, the entirety of the lanes was fogged up! Was brilliant fun though!! We went all the way to leith hill, and back! Got lost twice in the fog and he broke his front right wing on his disco, and my series still creaked like the titanic hitting an iceberg.

Only bad thing seems that at bocketts car park (just off the roundabout) someone, or two someones appear to have driven right up the embankement and over the little ridge leaving masses of mud on the road and tracks right up and over! Someone went a little too far apparently.

We're looking at going next weekend for a day down further south, we won't know until midweek if we can go, but if anyones not going on the salisbury trip but wants a fair share of the mud then let us know!
Only bad thing seems that at bocketts car park (just off the roundabout) someone, or two someones appear to have driven right up the embankement and over the little ridge leaving masses of mud on the road and tracks right up and over! Someone went a little too far apparently.

That is part of the Byway, Aswell as over young street (It is more like someone's drive way from what I can see driving past!). It is pointless driving up there though!

I was out on the lane's last night aswell, Was brilliant.. very werid in the fog though! The bit I was less than happy about was Buckland lane, Some moron's had tried to block the lane :doh: So I had to get out and start moving bloody log's about :rolleyes:. I don't see what they were trying to achive... It was in 3 place's near enough half way down the lane!
Mseries3, not the ramp from young street, I know that's the byway, I was describing the section as if you've turned off the roundabout into bocketts farm, the farms ahead, the car park is dead right, and the lanes a few meters ahead on the right. That car park is raised and has a ridge around it, somebodys driven up the sides of that ridge.

We noticed it about half ten last night and we weren't sure whether it was there last time I passed it on wednesday. Take a look if you've got 5 minutes on your next passing
Also if anyone's not going to Salisbury and is in the area this saturday I'm up for some more laning (And a little bit of walking off the track) during the day.

I suspect you're already packed for Salisbury though!

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