was that wise?

I aint got yo number.

Don't worry wasn't on me on own fella, had another wagon with me and have a good idea of what is going on and when to call it a day! Most the lanes were just as normal after rain so driving them wouldn't notice any damage as such. Water lane is quite difficult to damage as the lane is a rock hard chalk stream! ;)
I'm sure ya know half the lanes are quite muddy and rutted normally so wouldn't make any difference to them.
Most of the surface water has drained off now, hopefuly no more trees will decide to come down now there clear!

Ahh right, will give ya a pm now,
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One of the hindhead lanes still has the large tree blocking just above the steps. Wagoners wells lane In hindhead is clear. And the rest of the punchbowl lanes are clear. :rolleyes:
Whereabouts do you guys go? I'm interested in going out green laning I'm in crawley and have been told there's not much down my way whereabouts you guys all go from?

Cheers Luke

i am just south of you, i have been on a few lanes dorking way, these guys tend to head there and out towards guildford way
I am only in Horley myself.


And Haslemere/devils punch bowl areas

These are the main areas we go Laning around, though some of the lanes on the maps now have TROs on them, which is a shame as there are some good lanes all close together.

Still the main ones are open :)
I am only in Horley myself.


And Haslemere/devils punch bowl areas

These are the main areas we go Laning around, though some of the lanes on the maps now have TROs on them, which is a shame as there are some good lanes all close together.

Still the main ones are open :)

It's good to know there's active members nearby! Be good to join you guys to get some experience laning :):tea:
Hey guys hope you all had a good xmas, im looking for a tool cabinet, the type that mechanics use, i only need the bottom part with the wheels on as i have a couple of topboxes that will go on top, with drawers if possible and not doors lol, so if you know of any give me a shout please, cheers and hope you all have a great new year ;)

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