If we're going on the 5th I could probably plan a route up starting somewhere nr wokingham and heading back to the punch bowl doing the normal lanes in reverse. Might be interesting?
Thats if you want me to?!?
I went down the sandy one by ferns ham pond aswell today and was surprised they had put a decent diversion in instead of shutting the lane!
I drove past our waterhole today to take a look and see what the problem was last time. I think they've had lots of ppl getting stuck in there because they've closed it off for now.
After plenty of prodding with a stick all I can see is that the sand is soft and deep. like quick sand.

It still looks sneakily innocent! Considering it brought a charging defender to a teeth shuddering halt it just looks disappointing lol!!!
I drove past our waterhole today to take a look and see what the problem was last time. I think they've had lots of ppl getting stuck in there because they've closed it off for now.
After plenty of prodding with a stick all I can see is that the sand is soft and deep. like quick sand.

Wow, it's got a lot worse!
If we're going on the 5th I could probably plan a route up starting somewhere nr wokingham and heading back to the punch bowl doing the normal lanes in reverse. Might be interesting?
Thats if you want me to?!?
That would be cool Paul we always enjoy your routes :eek:
I was exploring (on the map) a number of the lanes out Wokingham way. There seem quite a few but I have no idea what state they're in. Can't make the 5th unfortunately, but maybe an exploration trip later in May when you guys have found all the nasty ones :p
i think i have a couple of routes that way. one lane was a nitemare. possibly winch jobby. there were stories of pikeys tailing landys a couple of years ago up that way.
i think i have a couple of routes that way. one lane was a nitemare. possibly winch jobby. there were stories of pikeys tailing landys a couple of years ago up that way.

That's because there's a fair few 'do as you likey' sites round that way, my fellas Landy has just been stripped bare by said culprits, caught on CCTV! Poor v8 :(
the story was worse than that... one guy in a landy attaches to rear of group, follows into lane. when yu come to exit, there is a lorry blocking exit with several heavies. yu cant back up, coz of the guy behind :(
I think in that situation the back of my landy would become a battering ram. Wouldn't be worried about the damage. All repairable.
I haven't come across any dodgy lanes around wokingham. Fairly timid ones to be honest. Haven't really explored round there though. There's quite a few fords.
I think in that situation the back of my landy would become a battering ram. Wouldn't be worried about the damage. All repairable.
I haven't come across any dodgy lanes around wokingham. Fairly timid ones to be honest. Haven't really explored round there though. There's quite a few fords.

Think there's a decent network of them on my memory map I've not had the chance to explore yet I'm only up the road anorl! No excuse lol
Count me in, may not be able to do all day because horse is being dramatic again, but will hopefully be fixed at the vets on Wednesday :)
ok dokey I'll start planning something up. The wokingham segment might be a bit of an unknown but we'll see how we go.
The 5th sounds good to me.

I tried the rough one that runs from beacon hill and ends on whitmoor vale road at the weekend and got down it with no trouble despite the way it looks.

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