Hey All,

Sorry to hijack. I've just bought an old range ( 4.6 litre Vogue ) and it occurred to me that I could take it greenlaning. First off, is it a ridiculous car to have a go in? can it handle itself?

Also would anyone mind if I tagged along one day :D

I live in Guildford and I'm free pretty much any time.

Hey All,

Sorry to hijack. I've just bought an old range ( 4.6 litre Vogue ) and it occurred to me that I could take it greenlaning. First off, is it a ridiculous car to have a go in? can it handle itself?

Also would anyone mind if I tagged along one day :D

I live in Guildford and I'm free pretty much any time.


Depends how precious you are about the paintwork and blingy front apron thingy but other than that it's plenty capable
Hey All,

Sorry to hijack. I've just bought an old range ( 4.6 litre Vogue ) and it occurred to me that I could take it greenlaning. First off, is it a ridiculous car to have a go in? can it handle itself?

Also would anyone mind if I tagged along one day :D

I live in Guildford and I'm free pretty much any time.

I'd be guided by the folk who know the lanes, but in principle I don't see why not. As BB says, if you're worried about your paintwork then probably not, but if you remove the low hanging plastic you should be OK.

What tyres does it have? Decent AT would be a sensible idea as a minimum. You should also make sure you have recovery points front and back in case you do get stuck, then someone can help you out! :D

When it comes down to it, it is almost always possible to leave out any lane that is too gruesome and rejoin the group later on.
pah it's only paint ;) it's a pretty old car with scuffed paintwork anyway. And I could always whip the front apron off. I'm sure my girlfriend will agree.....:rolleyes:

I'm not sure about the tyres but I'll have a look in to getting some decent ones. any suggestions? It's got a tow bar but I'll have a check for recovery points.

Is there such a thing as a "beginners lane" around Guildford somewhere? :eek:

Thanks for your help all.
pah it's only paint ;) it's a pretty old car with scuffed paintwork anyway. And I could always whip the front apron off. I'm sure my girlfriend will agree.....:rolleyes:

I'm not sure about the tyres but I'll have a look in to getting some decent ones. any suggestions? It's got a tow bar but I'll have a check for recovery points.

Is there such a thing as a "beginners lane" around Guildford somewhere? :eek:

Thanks for your help all.

There's a lane we do down leatherhead way that's very gentle and a good learner lane
The ones we do in Wokingham are more challenging to say the least
welcome to tag along
.... that last pic is brilliant. Show no mercy hehe.
I was going to ask which lanes we want to do. Hindhead towards petersfield again? or the normal Hindhead route which is a bit more sedate. That really muddy section was towards petersfield.
I don't really mind which route, although perhaps the petersfield section is a bit extreme!

Well as long as there is someone to recover me when my standard disco gets stuck... :D

If the lanes are too muddy, wouldn't it best to avoid anyway to avoid damaging them too much?
pah it's only paint ;) it's a pretty old car with scuffed paintwork anyway. And I could always whip the front apron off. I'm sure my girlfriend will agree.....:rolleyes:

I'm not sure about the tyres but I'll have a look in to getting some decent ones. any suggestions? It's got a tow bar but I'll have a check for recovery points.

Is there such a thing as a "beginners lane" around Guildford somewhere? :eek:

Thanks for your help all.
You may find the lane will remove the front apron anyway :p

As for tyres, depends on what you intend to use it for. AT tyres (Goodrich, Pirellis etc) are fine for most greenlaning and much better on the road (lower noise, better traction etc). If you're into more extreme laning or offroading at pay n play sites then MT tyres would better... Ask in the Range Rover forum here and I'm sure there will be loads of specific suggestions.

There are loads of beginner lanes around Basingstoke so I suspect there will be several Guidlford way - not my patch though I'm afraid.
Thanks all! some great advice there! The AT tyres are better on the road too? That's good to know.

When are you guys going next? If there's room for a noob in a completely standard car I'll definitely tag along.

A few of us carry recovery gear of some sort or another so recovery shouldn't be too much of an issue.

I should have some decent recovery points by this trip too. Gonna be fitting front and rear shackle points hopefully next weekend. Better than looping my straps around front chassis legs like I've been doing.

Do you remember that Sandy lane around frensham pond? I went down there a few nights ago (short cut) and someone had there defender well and truly stuck in the water hole. Buried up to the axles. Had to use my high lift jack, get waffle boards under the wheels and tow it out. Damaged a strap doing it too :mad: added an hour to my trip :rolleyes:
Is there still a free slot on this trip? I seem to have lost the plot a bit...

Perhaps I didn't shout loudly enough...!!

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