I'm coming! Delivery never arrived with the vital parts for the job tomorrow, so I'm free to come out and play.
Just got to brave the rain and fit this cb
I'm coming! Delivery never arrived with the vital parts for the job tomorrow, so I'm free to come out and play.
Just got to brave the rain and fit this cb
Just run it off a spare battery in the car if its too wet out, thats how i ran mine before i fitted it properly
I've bodged it into the fag lighter supply for tomorrow. It was fitting the aerial that got me soaked, but its done now, just got to swr it in in the morning.
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Ok cool.... even if it doesn't come up good on the SWR in the morning we'll be so close together it won't make too much difference.
I can't remember the order of the few lanes we did on this route so we're prob going to come across that muddy one again, and the closed one.
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It's coming up really bad at the moment, think its got grounding issues on the aerial. Who'd have thought it eh, a landy with a dodgy earth?
Good day out today!! Well done Locky for organising and navigating! Looking forward to next time! Would have been good though to have seen that other Landy make it up that chalk slope though!
Thank you everyone for your help today :) and thanks Paul for leading us :)

Managed to hit a bollard on the way home, stopped at our local shop, didn't judge it very well, thank god it's plastic!! No car damage as far as I've seen, though bollard is leaning nicely !!
Em you managed to miss all them trees, navigate all them ruts. Wade all the water traps... then hit a bollard on the road :rolleyes:

hehe... I won't mention I nearly drove my land rover through my dads house a while back when I was working on it.
Hi guys didnt make it today as one of the head gaskets on the lightweight decided to let go this morning so spent the day doing a nice strip down but will look out for the next meet up. i like the look of the lanes you were all in though good stuff...
Yes was a fantastic days laning, we must have done every hazard possible, deep water,deep ruts, climbs,steps,leans and a very very tricky chalk decent was pooping myself going down that cant believe that bloke tried to climb it on his own lol, ive always thought wales would be good but cant see it being much more challenging than that set of lanes we did, well done Paul, and the only damage was my magmount getting stuck on a thick branch and rippin the cable out of it, mind you the disco was making some strange noises on the way home but seems to have settled down now lol.
I have to admit I was a little worried about that chalk slope. Especially after I got wedged on the side of it, that could have taken a while to get out if matey wasnt at the bottom with a winch. Thats the first time I've had to stand on the drivers door to climb out the passenger side.
I have to admit I was a little worried about that chalk slope. Especially after I got wedged on the side of it, that could have taken a while to get out if matey wasnt at the bottom with a winch. Thats the first time I've had to stand on the drivers door to climb out the passenger side.


You won't believe it Simon but that was one point I didn't grab the camera. Silly really but there was a lot going on at the time. Plus you could hardly even stand up on that chalk.
I do have a vid of the guy trying to go back up it who winched me out.
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I just went back to the magazine to check the desciption on that chalky lane we did. All it says is 'Downhill Chalky lane that starts gently and becomes V-gulley with challenging ruts and occasional washed out sections' I think this is a bit of an understatement, and the guy did it on road tyres. He gave it three out of five stars. This wasn't the lane he described as potentially damaging either.

Simon do you remember that last lane we came to but turned around reversing up that slope. It was that one.
I just went back to the magazine to check the desciption on that chalky lane we did. All it says is 'Downhill Chalky lane that starts gently and becomes V-gulley with challenging ruts and occasional washed out sections' I think this is a bit of an understatement, and the guy did it on road tyres. He gave it three out of five stars. This wasn't the lane he described as potentially damaging either.

Simon do you remember that last lane we came to but turned around reversing up that slope. It was that one.
Thats rediculous we were lucky not to damage anything goin down there i can hardly believe he did that on road tyres either !

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