In that case I definitely better come along and check it out :D

Are the routes you go non scratchy and fairly safe..? Nice new TD5 I don't want to scratch etc like my old 300 :D
I wouldnt say they were non scratchy you may get a few, some of the lanes are pretty tight, but they are pretty safe but theres a few of us so should be ok.
Usual meeting place then? anyone who doesn't know where that is let me know and I'll send you a PM.

What time do you all want to meet? the earlier the better I think. I'm usually around by 7am but I know you all need your beauty sleep :lol:
Usual meeting place then? anyone who doesn't know where that is let me know and I'll send you a PM.

What time do you all want to meet? the earlier the better I think. I'm usually around by 7am but I know you all need your beauty sleep :lol:

I think 9:45-10:00 is the way to go :)
I was just flicking through Land Rover Owner magazine last night and they've published a new route around the devils punch bowl. Includes most the lanes we do but then heads down through to petersfield. Do you fancy trying a new route. Petersfield takes some of you a bit further away from home but it finishes right by the A3. Its about 25 lanes.
I wouldnt say they were non scratchy you may get a few, some of the lanes are pretty tight, but they are pretty safe but theres a few of us so should be ok.
Ok, well I'm keeping this one scratch free for a while, so what I'll do is just go at the back then if there's a bit I know I don't wanna drive down I'll just meet you all at the other side or something.

There's one bit in particular I'm not driving this one down :D

If someone could PM me the meeting place then. Ideally close as possible to the punchbowl as I am proper local to it.
I was just flicking through Land Rover Owner magazine last night and they've published a new route around the devils punch bowl. Includes most the lanes we do but then heads down through to petersfield. Do you fancy trying a new route. Petersfield takes some of you a bit further away from home but it finishes right by the A3. Its about 25 lanes.
Sounds interesting! Might have to pick up a copy.
All sounds good to me. Can someone PM me the meet point?

I need to do some decorating this weekend, but I'm so bored of it already that I think I'll take Sunday off.
Ok I'll see if I can plan it out tonight so we don't end up doing too many u turns.
Kooky.... decorating or laning? I think I know where my priorities would be ;)
I'll send out some PM's tonight too.
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Yes new route sounds good to me Paul im just happy to be out laning lol, looking forward to seeing Simons new boots too lol
Right PM's sent. Usual meeting place Sunday 9:45 - 10:00am
If anyone else needs to know where that is just let me know.

ps I wanna see Simons new boots too. I think a couple of these lanes are muuuddy too.

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