Just spoke to my mate he can't come so it will be me on my jack jones. With my camera :)

EDIT: thinking about it will bring my 'proper' camera might be good to get some decent action shots of everyone
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Just spoke to my mate he can't come so it will be me on my jack jones. With my camera :)

EDIT: thinking about it will bring my 'proper' camera might be good to get some decent action shots of everyone

That would be great fella always good to get some decent hd photos of the wagons ;)

I'd love a few of me new articulation, can think of one very good lane to test it on :)
That would be great fella always good to get some decent hd photos of the wagons ;)

I'd love a few of me new articulation, can think of one very good lane to test it on :)

Yeah can do that no worries :D you tell me what you want a photo of and I will do it!
Normal Place Andy at the cafe, 9:45 - 10:00
Max I just had a look at the lane near Whitmore Vale where the big tree was down. It's still laying in the lane. Looks like a tight squeeze to get past it.
Also someones been well off piste at the bottom of that lane. Driving off the main road through the small stream at the bottom and trying to climb up the massive hill the other side.
Flat I've got some routes planned. I usually make a mashup of the routes I have the night before after checking for TROs etc.
Ok fella well I'll be bringing a saw anyway if it does cause any problems but I know you can get round it somone said on here a week back as they winched it to one side.

I'm not local to that lane so I wouldn't know who's been doing it fella but I'll put a word out, is a shame as that's the reason why they get shut off bloody yobs find it funny to try and get stuck or somthing like that :mad:
If we try the lane from that end so the tree is first if it's in the way and cant saw it up can always just go back 20 yards and onto the road again, not like last time!! :rolleyes:
Ha... I tried that lane backwards once in my series. No chance for me. You might make it with your new found articulation. I think it will be harder getting past the tree going up compared to coming down. it looks passable but theres going to be a bit of a lean to get past. I might send you down that one first heh.
Hahaa I've seen standard 110s get up that way lol. Yeh if go down it then it would make it easyer. I'll see if can trim anything off it first aswell save rubbing against it!
I will bring my chainsaw with me.

Father in law has run it dry of chain oil tho, still the chain is ok and only a month old :D

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