Nice video Maxyman I was wondering where the byway with all the water is the last one on the vid? as I know the punch bowl ones really well as its 5min from me
Its surprising how many peeps dont accept "it is very likely to damage your motor" - "it cant be that bad".

Having had to reverse back up from the drop to the passing place last time I did it - It aint fun :eek:.
Its surprising how many peeps dont accept "it is very likely to damage your motor" - "it cant be that bad".

Having had to reverse back up from the drop to the passing place last time I did it - It aint fun :eek:.

Hahaa yeh it's not too bad anymore but still wouldn't wana take a shiney new motor down there :rolleyes: :eek:
Might have a butchers...

Thanks, looks like you've done some fantastic work clearing things :angel:.

Great to know what you find, on Sunday afternoon the motorbikes suggested they couldn't get through :confused: - so I believed them and didn't try which was a great shame as I had people new to the area with me, and this lane was definitely on the list to show them (but not if we had to reverse back up the entry slope :D).
The main drop half way down the lane has been flattened about 6months odd ago so it's not so bad so more still likes tearing discos & lifted 90's ;)
The first lane is clear enough to get round the tree see this vid: greenlaning 2014 part1 - YouTube

I might pop up with a few saws and cut abit off though.
(Unless there's another tree down since then)
Might have a butchers...

Second lane don't like that anyway haha, tried it in my old 90 and dented and ripped every drivers side pannel as you rest against the rock cutting starting at the barn end. Last time the group went out it was going to be the last lane of the day just as it got dark but I warned that you would do damage so skipped it! :rolleyes:

This is a video my mate put up mine is the big red sj on a cut down rangrover chassis.
Was hoping to get back down there and move the tree out of the track.

Keep meaning to get out on one of the laning trips
Thats a good vid!

Waterlanes much wetter than it was a few weeks ago! We went out just before christmas and there wasn't any where near as wet as that!
Apologies for my extended absence from this thread but now for the first time since November I actually have a free Sunday on the 23rd feb.
Anyone else happen to be free then? I could lead the routes around the punchbowl but haven't been out for ages so don't know if any are unpassable at the moment.
..... all work and no play for me at the moment. But we need to get out. Lets do the 23rd then. You should only miss a couple of hours Em, not too bad?
Andy got a cool new lane to show you near the punch bowl. Max took us down it last time we went out. I never knew it was there.
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..... all work and no play for me at the moment. But we need to get out. Lets do the 23rd then. You should only miss a couple of hours Em, not too bad?
Andy got a cool new lane to show you near the punch bowl. Max took us down it last time we went out. I never knew it was there.

I might be able to make that.
Yes is a good little lane! Went the other way going up it about a month back was fun! ;)
I'll try get my flex kit fitted in the week hopefuly. Would be a good test on that lane!
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